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  • Geebo 9:05 am on December 15, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , bills, , , ,   

    New scam sends you a bill from Apple 

    New scam sends you a bill from Apple

    By Greg Collier

    Whenever you see a headline that says there’s a new scam, the odds are it’s an old scam in new clothing. It’s just more efficient to say there’s a new scam in the headline in order to better educate the reader. Today’s scam is no different.

    Security experts are saying scammers are sending bills to their victims that appear to look like a bill from Apple Computers. The bill says the recipient is being charged close to $300 for security ‘upgradation’. Upgradation is an English word, however, it is not used in American English. That should be someone’s first clue the bill is fraudulent.

    The bill contains a phone number to call in case the recipient has any questions. Once a victim calls the number, they’re told they’ll be issued a refund if they allow the phony customer service agent to have remote access to the victim’s device. Red flags do not get any redder than this. Once a user allows remote access to their device, bad actors can install malware on to the device, or gain access to your online accounts.

    A similar scam to this one is when victims receive an email that claims someone just made a large purchase on their Amazon account, prompting the victim to call a customer service included in the email.

    In this instance, the scammers are posing as Apple because Apple users have a reputation of being more affluent since Apple devices are more expensive than competitors’ devices. The scammers don’t actually know who owns an Apple device. They send out these email invoices en masse, hoping they snag an Apple using victim. It’s almost certain some Windows and Android users received phony Apple emails too.

    With these email scams, never call the phone number included. Instead, manually check your account from that vendor or service to make sure you haven’t been charged. If you still feel the need to call them, use the customer service number from their website.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on March 27, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , bills, DoNotPay, rent   

    Does this app help you get extensions on late bills? 

    Does this app help you get extensions on late bills?

    With the current crisis, many people have found themselves struggling to make ends meet. While many companies and landlords have taken the current economic climate into account many others have not. This has left a lot of people not only fearing for their well-being but also leaving them feeling like they have no recourse in the matter. A lot of people can’t afford legal representation in the best of times but now that seems so out of reach. That’s where an app for your smartphone can possibly help you navigate the rough legal waters you may now be facing.

    DoNotPay is an app that is an AI-assisted program that offers legal counseling for $3 a month. It was originally designed to help people fight parking tickets but has since added services that include canceling free trials for you, dealing with robocalls, getting the best deals on airline tickets, and initializing lawsuits in small claims court. Now, the app is offering a service that will reach out to companies or landlords and ask for extensions if you fall behind in your bills due to the pandemic. If the first request is denied, DoNotPay will send out a second request citing state and local laws if they apply.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRrfwskGQl8%5D

    While DoNotPay may offer hope in a time where hope seems to be in short supply, it is not a guarantee that it will be successful in getting you any extensions. However, it may be a very good start for people who need such help. Unfortunately, it’s only available on Apple’s iOS operating system. If you do not own an Apple device, try reaching out to a relative or friend who may own an iPad or iPhone who would be willing to let you borrow the device or who will run the app for you.

    (H/T to The Verge)

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