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  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 6, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , IC3, , ,   

    Phony FBI letters sent by scammers 

    By Greg Collier

    Scammers will take advantage of a victim. ‘Good’ scammers will try to take advantage of the same victim twice. You can see this in the scam recovery service scam we’ve posted about in the recent past. That’s where scammers go after scam victims and promise the victims they can recover their money for a fee, of course. Now, a new scam has emerged, and while it doesn’t specifically target scam victims., they can be more vulnerable to this scam.

    It’s being reported in South Central Pennsylvania that residents are receiving a letter which appears to come from the FBI. Well, the letters are actually embedded in emails sent to victims. The letters claim to not only be from the FBI, but also from the Internet Crime Complaint Center, which is better known as IC3. The IC3 website is where scam victims can go to report internet scams.

    Getting back to the letters, they claim that the recipient was the victim of a cybercrime. The letter goes on to state that the recipient’s email address was found in the database of a Nigerian scammer. The hook to this scam is the letter says the recipient is eligible for restitution in the amount of $1.4 million.

    The report we read doesn’t state what the scammers are after, but if history is any indicator, it could be one of three things. The first is the scammers will need victims to make a payment which will be disguised as taxes or processing fees. The second thing the scammers could want is the victim’s personal and financial information under the guise of where they should send the phony payment. This could give the scammers access to the victim’s bank accounts. Lastly, the scammers could include a link in the email which could inject malware into the victim’s device. If it’s the right device, the scammers could steal the victim’s identity and take over their life.

    Thankfully, there is a simple way to protect yourself from this scam. Law enforcement will not conduct official business through email. If the FBI really wanted to get a hold of you, they would do it by official mail or a personal visit. Secondly, very few scam victims are scammed for $1.4 million dollars. If the FBI recovered that much money and there were multiple victims, you may get partial payment by check in an amount that would be similar to those issued in a class action lawsuit, i.e., nowhere near $1.4 million. If you receive one of these emails and still have questions, contact your nearest FBI Office directly, and do not use any contact information included in the letter.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 5, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Brushing scam sends luxury knock-offs 

    Brushing scam sends luxury knock-offs

    By Greg Collier

    If you’re unfamiliar with the brushing scam, it’s when a seller or a third-party vendor creates fake customer accounts on an online marketplace like Amazon. The scammer then ships inexpensive or sometimes completely worthless items to the addresses associated with those fake accounts. The scammer can then leave positive reviews from the fake accounts, boosting their seller rating and improving their visibility on the platform. This can lead to increased sales and higher rankings in search results, thereby tricking other buyers into thinking the seller is trustworthy.

    Sometimes, the items sent to consumers don’t even match the item the scammers are reviewing. They just need to make it appear as if the consumer received one of their items, so they can claim it was a verified purchase. Consumers used in a brushing scam tend to receive low-value and lightweight items to make the scam affordable for scammers. However, in Chicago, residents there are receiving some unusual goods.

    According to news reports, Chicago area residents have been receiving fake luxury items which they didn’t order. The example used in the news report was a counterfeit Cartier ring, complete with a ‘certificate of authentication’. The Federal Trade Commission has remarked that other items have been sent as well, like a counterfeit Burberry scarf. But the FTC would also like to remind us that no one is going to send the authentic items to people for free.

    While the brushing scam may seem like a victimless crime, it really isn’t. If the scams are successful, the algorithms sites like Amazon use will recommend these shady sellers instead of legitimate ones. In turn, this leads to consumers getting inferior products. Not only that, but there is also a security risk involved. While you can legally keep the items sent to you, it may mean that one of your retail accounts may have been compromised. If you receive one of these unsolicited packages, log in to your retail account and make sure it wasn’t charged to you. Even if it wasn’t, you should change your password and enable two-factor authentication on your account.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 2, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Think twice about that online loan 

    Think twice about that online loan

    By Greg Collier

    There are few things more frustrating than when a surprise expense needs to be paid, such as an emergency car or home repair. If someone is short on cash, they might consider a loan. Then, to simplify matters, they may look online for a loan. Unfortunately, there is a veritable minefield to navigate while looking for a legitimate lender. One wrong virtual step could lead you into a scammer’s trap.

    For example, a Dallas area woman was looking for a small loan to have her car repaired. She filled out an application through what she claims was a legitimate lender. Once the application was completed, she started receiving offers from several different online lenders.

    One lender in particular told the woman she needed help with her credit score to get a loan. This lender supposedly had the solution. They would send the woman $1800 and by sending back the money it would improve her credit, so she could get the loan. The payment sent to the woman’s bank account was not legitimate. The scammers had contested charges with her bank to make it look like there had been an $1800 deposit. If the woman had sent the $1800 to the scammers, she would have been out $1800 of her own money. This is not unlike the fake check scam. Thankfully, the woman realized she was being scammed before sending any money.

    Legitimate lenders will never have you send them money. If a lender sends you money, then wants you to pay it back immediately, they’re trying to steal from you.

    If you’re looking for a loan online, you need to follow many precautions. Look for reviews, ratings, and complaints about the lender from reliable sources. Avoid sharing sensitive information such as your Social Security number, bank account details, or passwords unless you trust the lender and are confident in their legitimacy. Obtain loan quotes from multiple lenders and compare terms, interest rates, and repayment conditions. Be skeptical of significantly lower rates or overly favorable terms. And of course, if something seems too good to be true or feels suspicious, it’s better to be cautious and seek alternative lending options.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 1, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: medical equipment, , ,   

    Shut-off scam targets man on medical equipment 

    Shut-off scam targets man on medical equipment

    By Greg Collier

    The shut-off scam is when scammers pose as your power company and threaten to shut off your electricity, although it can be used with other utilities. Typically, a scammer will call their victim to tell them that the victim’s account is behind in payment, and someone will be there in 15 minutes to disconnect the power. To prevent termination of service, the scammers will ask for immediate payment in unorthodox ways, such as gift cards and cryptocurrency. While the shut-off scam can occur during any time of the year, it’s most common in the winter and summer months. That’s because most victims would be in fear of losing the heating or cooling in their home.

    However, one man targeted in this scam is a lot more dependent on his home’s electricity than most of us. The New Hampshire man recently had heart surgery. As part of his recovery, he’s being monitored at home by his doctors through a piece of equipment that’s connected to a combination pacemaker and defibrillator. If something were to go wrong with the man’s heart, doctors could attempt to treat him remotely. The problem with that is if the power is out, the monitor won’t work.

    So imagine this man’s terror when being told his power is being shut off for an unpaid bill. The caller ID on his phone even displayed the name and phone number of his power company.

    There was no word in the report if the man fell victim to the scam.

    People like this man who are dependent on the electricity in their home for medical reasons could be a gold mine to shut-off scammers. Of course, the scammers don’t care if victim’s like this live or die, as long as they get their payment.

    Please keep in mind, utility companies will not call you to threaten you with a termination of service. If someone were to fall behind in their account, they would receive a notice in the mail. If termination of services is in the cards for someone, the utility company typically gives a few days if not weeks for the customer to make arrangements.

    If you receive a call like this, hang up and call your utility provider at the customer service number on their statement.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on May 31, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: .zip, , , , top level domains, URLs   

    New domain extension already being used in scams 

    New domain extension already being used in scams

    By Greg Collier

    If you’re unfamiliar with .zip files, they can be one large file or several smaller files that are compressed into a .zip file to make the space they take up on your device smaller. These .zip packages can be decompressed, or unzipped, by using programs like Win-Zip, 7-Zip, or the built-in compression utilities provided by operating systems such as Windows and macOS.

    Many software applications and operating systems are distributed in the form of .zip files. This allows developers to package all the necessary files and folders into a single archive, simplifying the installation process for users.

    Earlier this month, Google started offering .zip internet domains. That means anyone who wants to buy a web address can purchase a .zip domain instead of .com or .net. Many tech enthusiasts chided Google for making .zip available for domains, as they could be abused by scammers. Now, according to tech reports, the scams have already begun.

    A victim could be thinking they’re downloading legitimate software, but are then directed to a .zip website that could infect their device with malware, among other things. The website will mimic a .zip file being extracted, along with a fake pop-up that says the .zip file has been scanned and no viruses were found.

    For a more detailed explanation of how this works, please read this article from Bleeping Computer.

    Unfortunately, there’s no hard and fast rule to protect yourself from such a scam. If you do download a .zip file, make sure it’s from a trusted source. Anything else that has .zip at the end of it, you may want to avoid it.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on May 30, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Vacation scams are on their way 

    Vacation scams are on their way

    By Greg Collier

    With Memorial Day weekend behind us, many of use will be looking to book our summer vacations. Unfortunately, dream vacations can often turn to nightmares thanks to scammers. The Better Business Bureau has issued a warning about various scams vacation-goers may encounter if they’re not careful.

    One of the more common scams that could ruin a vacation is the rental scam. It works in the same way as a long-term rental scam works. Scammers will list properties online for short-term rental they don’t actually own. More often than not, the listing is copied from a legitimate listing, although the scammers are advertising the rental at below-market prices. Research is key when looking to rent a home for your vacation. Do a web search of the property’s address, and you might find multiple listings online that show different owners, different rental agencies, and different prices. If the listing you found is the one with the lowest price, there is a very good chance that is the scam listing.

    If you decide to go down the motel/hotel route, be wary of calls to your room from the front desk. A scam that has become popular over the last few years is when scammers call your room. They’ll call late at night while posing as the front desk. The caller will say your credit card didn’t go through and will ask for your credit card information again. The scammers are hoping that you’ll give them your credit card information instead of going down to the front desk. If you didn’t use a credit card, you’ll know you’re being scammed. If you did book your room with a credit card, always go to the front desk if there is a supposed problem with it.

    Lastly, you may want to be careful when using the wifi at your lodgings. Using public wifi in general can open you up to a number of security risks, such as exposing your financial information. While travelling, think about purchasing a plan with a virtual private network (VPN). VPNs can block your information from being seen on public wifi. However, when choosing a VPN, always go with a paid plan, as free VPNs are often just a disguise for more security risks.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on May 26, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Scammers try last-minute Medicare fraud 

    By Greg Collier

    If you are a Medicare recipient and have recently received COVID tests you didn’t order, you might be the victim of Medicare fraud. With the Public Health Emergency around COVID being declared over this month, scammers have been sending COVID tests to Medicare recipients, while billing Medicare at close to $100 a pop. Victims have said they received multiple COVID tests from providers that were outside of their state.

    Now, some Medicare recipients may not think that this is a big deal. They might think they got free COVID tests while Medicare paid for it. So, what’s the big deal? Outside of their Medicare information being compromised, any kind of fraudulent charge billed to Medicare can have negative effects on a policyholder’s benefits.

    If a fraudulent charge goes undetected, the patient may be responsible for paying out-of-pocket for services or supplies they did not receive or need. Medicare has coverage limits for various services and supplies. Fraudulent charges can lead to unnecessary utilization of these benefits, causing patients to exhaust their coverage limits prematurely. If fraudulent claims are submitted using the patient’s Medicare information, it can lead to confusion in medical records and billing systems. This may result in delays, denials, or even the denial of legitimate claims, causing a disruption in the patient’s ongoing care and treatment plans. Lastly, fraudulent claims sent to Medicare increase healthcare costs in general.

    If you receive tests that you didn’t order, contact Medicare immediately at the customer service number on your Medicare card. To help prevent future fraud, policyholders should always review the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements they receive in the mail. These statements show how a claim was paid and to whom.

    Any suspicious charges or discrepancies should be reported to Medicare’s fraud hotline, so they can try to rectify the situation. Additionally, staying informed about common fraud schemes and protecting personal Medicare information can help reduce the risk of fraudulent activities.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on May 25, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    BBB warns of medical debt scam 

    BBB warns of medical debt scam

    By Greg Collier

    Medical debt is one of the leading causes of people who declare bankruptcy in the U.S. The cost of medical care in the US is notably high compared to other countries. Even with insurance coverage, individuals may face substantial out-of-pocket expenses, including deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. For those without adequate insurance coverage, the burden of medical costs can be overwhelming.

    This has led many medical facilities to employ collection agencies to go after outstanding debts. These debt collectors are often more than aggressive when pursuing these debts. They’re not above resorting to legal action, wage garnishment, or asset seizure. However, not every medical debt is legitimate, as the Better Business Bureau is warning that scammers are posing as medical debt collectors in order to extort money from their victims.

    It makes sense, in a way, that scammers would do this. Scammers often employ high-pressure tactics to trick their victims into giving up their money. Posing as a debt collector, who also uses high-pressure tactics, allows scammers to appear more authentic to their victims.

    According to the BBB, scammers are sending letters and making phone calls to their victims, claiming the victim owes money for a medical bill. The scammers threaten their victims with legal fees, ruining your credit, and even arrest. The scammers are hoping that the victim will be scared into handing over their financial information.

    There are some easy ways to protect yourself from this scam. The first is to never give these callers any money right away. First, ask them for a debt verification letter that will detail where the debt supposedly came from. Debt collectors are required to provide those, while most scammers can’t. Then call the medical office where the bill supposedly originated from, and their billing office will be able to verify any charges or debts.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on May 24, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Is there any scam worse than a funeral scam? 

    Is there any scam worse than a funeral scam?

    By Greg Collier

    We’re never in a more vulnerable state than after the loss of a loved one. It’s even worse when the loss was unexpected. Nobody ever wants to arrange a funeral. Unfortunately, for most of us, it’s an inevitability. Whether it’s a spouse, a parent, or even a child, no one ever wants to have to discuss the financial details of having their loved one laid to rest. For scammers, this is just another opportunity for them to use emotional manipulation to trick grieving families into giving them money.

    In Georgia, a family almost lost $14,000 after falling prey to a funeral scammer. Some scammers keep an eye on the local obituaries. When someone passes and their obituary is published, scammers will pose as employees of the funeral home. The scammers will tell their victims there’s been an error in billing and the victim needs to pay more money. They’ll often show up at the victim’s home to collect the payment in cash or check.

    In the Georgia case, the suspects were arrested after they had difficulty trying to cash the check. In previous instances of this scam, we’ve seen scammers make it appear as if they were holding the remains of the deceased hostage until the victim made a payment.

    In order to protect yourself from such a scam, it is recommended to get an itemized bill from the funeral home that shows exactly how much services cost.

    Whenever you receive a call from someone requesting an unexpected payment, it is crucial to verify their claims. Do not automatically assume the call is authentic merely based on the displayed caller ID. Take the initiative to contact the business or agency directly, as they will provide guidance regarding the legitimacy of the caller’s demands.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on May 23, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , look who died, , , , ,   

    Scam Round Up: The classics make a return 

    By Greg Collier

    Even though there has been an uptick in technologically advanced scams, there are some classic scams that never went away. Here are three we think you should be reminded of.

    If you get a phone call or email that says there’s been a fraudulent charge on your Amazon account, the chances are it’s a scam.

    A woman from Lincoln, Nebraska, recently fell victim to this scam when she thought she was talking to the fraud department of her bank. The scammers convinced her she needed to make payments in Bitcoin to correct the error. She ended up sending the scammers $52,000 in Bitcoin after withdrawing it from her 401K.

    If you receive a call or message like this, go directly to your Amazon account and check for fraudulent charges. If there aren’t any, then whoever contacted you is trying to scam you. No matter how urgent they make it seem, slow down and verify their story before sending any money. And if Bitcoin is brought up in the conversation, then it’s definitely a scam.

    Scammers love to hijack Facebook accounts. When they do, not only do they get your personal information, but they can then use your account to try to scam everyone on your friends list.

    One of the ways they do this is by sending a Facebook message that says, “Look who died.” The message contains a link that appears like it will take you to a news article. Instead, it will inject malware onto your device that can hijack your Facebook account.

    Messenger is a pretty big breeding ground for scams. Outside of the ‘look who died’ message, you should also avoid messages about government grants, cryptocurrency, or just about any message that involves money.

    You may also want to let your Facebook friend know outside of Facebook that their account has been hacked.

    Last, but certainly not least, is the Publisher’s Clearinghouse scam. We’re all familiar with PCH. If you win a substantial prize from them, they surprise you at home in their Prize Van with a large novelty check. The thing with PCH is, you have to enter their sweepstakes first before you can win anything.

    Scammers will call victims at random while posing as PCH, telling their victims they’ve won millions of dollars. The scammers will then try to get their victims to make a payment to claim their prize. The payment will be disguised as something like taxes or processing fees. This is known as the advanced fee scam, which has cost victims thousands of dollars. Once a victim makes payment, the scammers will continue to string the victim along by asking for more money.

    Keep in mind, it’s illegal for sweepstakes like PCH to ask for money before issuing a prize. That’s why legitimate sweepstakes always have the tagline of ‘no purchase necessary’.

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