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  • Geebo 8:00 am on October 4, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Dangers of Buying Ozempic Online 

    Dangers of Buying Ozempic Online

    By Greg Collier

    The rise of social media marketplaces has brought convenience to millions, allowing users to buy and sell just about anything from their mobile devices. But beneath the surface of these platforms lurks a troubling and dangerous trend. People are illegally reselling prescription medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro through places like Facebook Marketplace. This black-market trade isn’t just risky for your health, it’s outright illegal.

    Here’s why buying prescription drugs through platforms like Facebook is not only illegal but also potentially life-threatening.

    Let’s be clear, reselling or buying prescription medications without proper authorization is illegal. In New York, those caught selling prescription medications like Ozempic can face up to 15 years in prison. Buyers, although typically subject to lighter penalties, can still be slapped with misdemeanors, fines, and potentially jail time.

    So, why would people take such risks? Desperation and the lure of lower prices fuel this underground market. A legitimate month’s supply of Mounjaro can run between $1,000 and $1,200, but some sellers on Facebook Marketplace offer it for less than half the price. For many people struggling to afford their medications, it may seem like a shortcut, but it’s a dangerous one that could cost far more than the money saved.

    The dangers go far beyond the legal risks. Prescription medications like Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Trulicity are intended for specific medical conditions like Type 2 diabetes and must be closely monitored by healthcare professionals. These medications are not meant to be used casually for weight loss without proper oversight.

    Here’s where things get hazardous. The medications you’re buying online could be counterfeit or tampered with. Sellers can alter doses, repackage medications, or store them improperly, resulting in a product that might not only be ineffective but harmful.

    Even if you are lucky enough to get the real thing, buying from an unregulated source means you’re missing out on the critical medical supervision that should accompany these drugs. Weight loss medications like Ozempic can lead to serious side effects, including gallstones, muscle loss, and osteoporosis. Short-term issues like nausea and dehydration are also common. More importantly, patients on these drugs need regular monitoring to ensure that the treatment is effective and not causing harm.

    Another crucial consideration is that these medications are not meant for short-term use. They require ongoing treatment and supervision. Once you stop using them, there’s a good chance you’ll regain most, if not all, of the weight lost. Patients need to be monitored for side effects and require a doctor’s guidance to manage the complexities of these treatments.

    When you’re buying prescription medications from an unknown seller online, you forfeit this safety net. The seller isn’t going to care about your long-term health or whether you’re experiencing side effects. You’re on your own, with your wallet and potentially your health at risk.

    Even more worrying is the rise of bad actors on platforms like Facebook who use tactics like misspelling drug names or using nicknames to bypass automated compliance checks. While Facebook and other platforms actively remove illegal listings, sellers are constantly finding ways to stay one step ahead.

    These platforms might seem reputable, but buying prescription drugs on social media is no different from buying them off the street. There’s no way to guarantee what you’re getting, and you may not even know the correct dosage or volume of the medication you receive. It’s a dangerous gamble, with your health hanging in the balance.

    While the appeal of a cheaper supply of prescription drugs may be tempting, the risks are far too great. Buying medications like Ozempic through platforms like Facebook Marketplace exposes you to severe legal penalties and puts your health at serious risk. From counterfeit drugs to a lack of medical supervision, the consequences of such a decision could be life-altering.

    Always consult your healthcare provider before taking any prescription drug. There’s no shortcut to good health, and when it comes to your well-being, cutting corners can lead to devastating consequences.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on October 3, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Phantom Hacker Scam is a Threat to Your Finances 

    Phantom Hacker Scam is a Threat to Your Finances

    By Greg Collier

    In the ever-evolving world of online crime, a new scam has emerged, targeting unsuspecting individuals under the guise of helping them. The FBI has recently highlighted the Phantom Hacker scam, a sophisticated three-pronged attack designed to trick people into handing over their money voluntarily.

    It all begins with a simple email or pop-up ad. The message alerts you to an issue with your computer and provides a phone number for tech support. When you call, a scammer on the other end will ask you to download a remote access program so they can ‘assist’ with the issue.

    Once you’ve allowed remote access, the scammer doesn’t address any problems. Instead, they create new ones. They claim your bank account has been compromised and instruct you to take steps to safeguard your money. This is where the scam shifts into its second phase. You receive a second phone call from someone posing as your bank’s security department, urging you to move your funds into a ‘crypto wallet’ for safekeeping.

    In the final phase, a third call comes from someone claiming to represent the government. This imposter will tell you that your crypto wallet is also compromised, but they can help by transferring your funds into a ‘safe wallet’. In reality, this so-called safe wallet belongs to the scammer, and your money is now gone.

    The name Phantom Hacker fits because victims believe they’ve been hacked, when in fact, they’ve been manipulated into transferring their money to the scammers. The scam doesn’t rely on advanced hacking techniques, just deception and social engineering.

    Unfortunately, this scam disproportionately targets older individuals, particularly those over 60. If you encounter unexpected pop-ups or emails, avoid engaging with them. Instead, contact your bank or tech support directly using verified phone numbers. Awareness is your best defense against falling victim to these tactics.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on October 2, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Ensure Your Donations Reach Hurricane Victims 

    Ensure Your Donations Reach Hurricane Victims

    By Greg Collier

    In the wake of any major hurricane, such as Hurricane Helene, communities come together, eager to offer help. It’s during these critical times that victims rely on charitable donations for essentials like food, water, shelter, and medical aid. Unfortunately, natural disasters also create opportunities for scammers to exploit that goodwill. Before opening your wallet, it’s important to take extra precautions to ensure your donation is truly helping those affected.

    The Rise of Donation Scams During Disasters

    Every time a disaster strikes, fraudulent fundraising efforts spike. Scammers will go to great lengths, posing as legitimate organizations or setting up fake crowdfunding campaigns to deceive generous individuals. The FBI has noted a significant increase in phishing scams after hurricanes, often involving impersonation of trusted organizations like the Red Cross. These fake appeals can come via email, social media, or even text messages.

    To protect yourself and ensure your contribution goes where it’s needed, follow these steps before making a donation.

    Verify the Charity’s Legitimacy

    One of the easiest ways to protect yourself from fraud is to verify the charity you’re donating to. Scammers often send fake emails or text messages with slight variations in the names of well-known organizations, like “Red Cros” instead of “Red Cross.” They may also direct you to private payment platforms like PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo, which legitimate charities rarely use.

    Before donating, check if the charity is recognized and reputable by visiting websites such as Give.org or Charity Navigator. These platforms provide ratings and reviews of charitable organizations, helping you confirm that your donation will reach those in need.

    Be Skeptical of Email and Text Requests

    Legitimate charities will not cold-email or text you asking for donations. If you receive such requests, especially if they ask for quick payment through private platforms or cryptocurrency, consider it a red flag. It’s best to donate directly through the charity’s official website.

    If you’re unsure about a donation request, go directly to the charity’s website by typing the URL into your browser instead of clicking on links in unsolicited emails or messages. This ensures you’re visiting the correct site and not a phishing attempt.

    Check Crowdfunding Campaigns Carefully

    Crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe light up with requests for help after hurricanes. While many are legitimate, it’s essential to ensure you’re contributing to verified campaigns. GoFundMe has a “verified” feature for campaigns that have been confirmed to reach the intended recipients, but even with verification, be cautious if you don’t know the person running the campaign.

    If you’re moved to help an individual, research their story carefully. Look for details, follow-up posts, and proof that the campaign is legitimate. Whenever possible, it’s better to give to well-established organizations that specialize in disaster relief and have a track record of success.

    Avoid Door-to-Door or Phone Solicitation

    Scammers often take advantage of disaster situations by going door-to-door, claiming to be from a legitimate charity. While this might seem like a direct way to contribute, it’s also one of the most common methods used by fraudsters.

    If someone approaches you with a solicitation, ask for identification and any materials related to the organization they claim to represent. It’s always safer to donate through the organization’s website rather than handing over cash or personal information to a stranger.

    Donate Directly to Major Organizations

    To avoid the risk of fraud entirely, it’s always a good idea to donate directly to major, well-known organizations that have a long history of hurricane and disaster relief. Organizations like the Red Cross are transparent about where your dollars go and have extensive systems in place to ensure donations reach those who need them most.

    Give Generously, But Wisely

    The desire to help in the aftermath of a hurricane is natural, and your generosity can make a real difference in the lives of victims. However, taking a few extra steps to verify where your money is going can prevent scammers from capitalizing on your good intentions. By carefully vetting the charities you support, avoiding unsolicited emails or texts, and sticking to trusted organizations, you can ensure that your donation is reaching those who need it the most.

    Hurricanes can bring out the best in people, but they also attract those looking to exploit. Stay alert, do your research, and give wisely.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on October 1, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Are Text Message Scams Targeting Children? 

    Are Text Message Scams Targeting Children?

    By Greg Collier

    Text message scams are evolving, and children are now becoming unintended targets. One recent incident in Lafayette, Louisiana, highlights how scammers send random texts, often addressing the recipient by the wrong name, in hopes of starting a conversation. For example, a teenager received a message intended for ‘Rose’, a name that was unfamiliar to her. While this might seem like a simple mistake, responding with something like “Sorry, wrong number” is precisely what scammers want. Once engaged, they can continue the conversation, pretending to befriend the child by asking casual questions like their name or school.

    Although these scams don’t specifically target children, the random nature of the messages means kids are just as likely to receive them. It’s crucial for parents to stay aware of who is contacting their children. In this case, the teen was able to block the number, but it serves as a reminder for parents to monitor their children’s messages and have open conversations about the dangers of engaging with unknown contacts.

    Identity thieves are increasingly drawn to a child’s personal information because it is often untapped and unmonitored. Since children haven’t established credit yet, their Social Security numbers and other identifying details provide a blank slate for criminals to exploit. Scammers can use this clean credit history to open fraudulent accounts, apply for loans, or commit other forms of financial fraud, all while the child, and their parents, remain unaware for years. By the time the child becomes old enough to establish their own credit, they may discover a damaged credit history. This is why scammers, who might initially seem harmless or casual in their approach, can pose a serious risk if they gain access to personal details through seemingly innocent interactions like text messages. Parents must remain vigilant to protect their child’s identity from being compromised in these scams.

    Children may not always recognize the risks, which is why it’s essential to teach them to be cautious about sharing any personal information with strangers, especially through text. Adjusting phone settings to block unknown numbers and being vigilant about their online interactions can help reduce the chances of children falling victim to these scams. While this may seem like a harmless exchange at first, the underlying goal of scammers is to extract personal or family information, and early intervention can prevent any further risks.

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