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  • Geebo 9:00 am on March 4, 2025 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: gold, gold coins, , ,   

    Gold Coin Scams: A Growing U.S. Threat 

    Gold Coin Scams: A Growing U.S. Threat

    By Greg Collier

    Recently, financial scams have evolved into increasingly sophisticated operations, targeting vulnerable individuals with elaborate deception. One alarming trend that has surfaced across the United States is scams that demand gold, where victims are tricked into purchasing and handing over gold under the guise of government intervention. Law enforcement agencies have reported an increasing number of cases where individuals, particularly seniors, are manipulated through fear and coercion into parting with their life savings.

    One such case recently unfolded in Clark County, Washington, where a woman in her 70s fell victim to a highly orchestrated scam. The fraudsters initiated contact by posing as government officials, claiming that fraudulent activity had been detected involving her Social Security number. Over time, they convinced her that in order to protect her financial assets, she needed to transfer them through an official process. Adding another layer of credibility, the scammers even staged a phone call from an individual impersonating a local police officer to validate the fraudulent claims.

    The scheme ultimately led the victim to withdraw the majority of her liquid assets, convert them into gold coins, and hand them over to a supposed undercover agent. The false promise that her assets would later be reissued to her ensured that she continued following their instructions without suspicion. By the time she realized what had happened, the perpetrators had vanished without a trace. In total, the victim lost $500,000 to the scammers.

    Gold has become an increasingly attractive target for scammers because, unlike digital transactions, it is nearly impossible to trace once it leaves the victim’s possession. Once gold is physically handed over, it can be melted down, resold, or transported without the same level of oversight as traditional banking methods. This makes it particularly appealing to criminals who want to avoid the risk of detection through electronic transactions or wire transfers.

    This method of deception is not isolated to one region. Other cases across the country have demonstrated similar patterns, where scammers exploit online vulnerabilities or impersonate trusted institutions to gain access to financial assets. Victims are often instructed to keep their interactions private, warned that speaking to others could compromise the security of the supposed investigation. This tactic effectively isolates them, preventing intervention from family members or financial advisors who might otherwise recognize the scam.

    Authorities emphasize the importance of vigilance when receiving unsolicited calls, emails, or messages claiming to be from government agencies. No legitimate government office will ever request payments in gold, cryptocurrency, or gift cards. If such a request is made, it is a clear indicator of fraud. Verifying claims through direct contact with the agency in question, by independently looking up their phone number rather than using a provided contact, is a crucial step in preventing financial loss.

    As financial fraud continues to evolve, spreading awareness remains one of the most effective defenses against these types of scams. Checking in with elderly family members and ensuring they are aware of these tactics can make a significant difference in preventing future cases. Law enforcement agencies remain committed to investigating these crimes, but prevention is key in stopping scammers before they succeed.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 20, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: gold, , , precious metals, , silver   

    Gold Investment: Not as Safe as It Seems 

    Gold Investment: Not as Safe as It Seems

    By Greg Collier

    For months, we’ve alerted our readers to gold bar scams, where criminals posing as law enforcement trick victims into converting their savings into gold, only to steal it. Today, we’re shifting focus to another type of gold scam, fraudulent gold investments.

    Recently, a couple from San Diego, like many others, sought financial stability through gold investments. Enticed by frequent radio advertisements, they decided to transfer a significant portion of their retirement savings into precious metals with a firm they believed was trustworthy. Unfortunately, this decision would soon prove disastrous.

    The firm in question had assured its clients that their assets would be safely held with a well-known trust company specializing in alternative investments, including precious metals. But earlier this year, investors began receiving alarming letters from the trust company. The correspondence indicated that the assets supposedly transferred to the precious metals firm had not been properly recorded, leaving many investors in a precarious situation.

    These letters revealed that not only were some investors’ purchases of gold and silver unfulfilled, but also that funds from the sale of these metals had not been credited to their accounts. As concerns grew, the trust company announced that it was severing ties with the precious metals firm, leaving investors to deal with the fallout.

    For the investors, the reality of their situation hit hard. The firm had closed its doors, and attempts to contact them were met with silence. With millions of dollars in retirement savings unaccounted for, the investors felt they had been left in the lurch. Now, they are part of a proposed class-action lawsuit alleging fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and other violations.

    Investing in precious metals can be a wise decision, but it requires a thoughtful and cautious approach. It’s essential to work with dealers who have a strong reputation and a proven track record. Verifying their credentials and researching any past complaints or legal issues is a crucial first step.

    Understanding the associated costs, including premiums, storage fees, and transaction expenses, is key to making an informed investment. Additionally, it’s important to maintain a diversified portfolio rather than committing all your savings to precious metals. This reduces overall risk and provides more stability.

    As with any investment, it’s important to only invest what you can comfortably risk, as no investment is ever fully guaranteed.

    Investors should remain cautious when encountering advertisements on radio and podcasts, as these platforms often promote investment opportunities that may not be as secure as they seem. While such ads can sound persuasive, they shouldn’t replace thorough research and due diligence. It’s vital to verify the legitimacy of any investment, regardless of how credible the source may appear. Remember, even well-known personalities endorsing a product or service doesn’t guarantee its safety or success. Making informed decisions, rather than relying on marketing pitches, is the key to protecting your financial future.

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