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  • Geebo 8:00 am on October 7, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Dangerous scam continues to target seniors 

    Dangerous scam continues to target seniors

    By Greg Collier

    If recent news reports are anything to go by, more and more scammers are resorting to the grandparent scam. It seems like every day, there is a news report from a police department or sheriff’s office warning their residents about this scam. Usually, after someone has already fallen victim to the scam. It’s becoming such a common occurrence that the scammers have almost perfected the scam and have any answer the victim might have about the scam.

    For example, an elderly woman from New Jersey was having trouble getting in touch with her grandson. Before she could get a hold of him, scammers called her, posing as her grandson. The phony grandson said he was in trouble and had a broken nose and split lip. Scammers will say their face is injured to explain why they don’t sound like the actual grandchild.

    The phony grandson told the woman that he was in jail because he was involved in a car accident with a woman who was eight-months pregnant. This is often told to victims to make the situation appear more serious and appeals to the victim’s emotions, hoping that the victim thinks less clearly.

    The woman offered to call the grandson’s father, but the scammer begged her not to, with the only explanation being “I’ll explain later”. Scammers do this to isolate the victim from contacting anyone else, which would potentially tip the victim off to this being a scam.

    The woman was instructed to call a phone number which was supposed to be a public defender’s office. This was just another part of the scam. She was told she needed to pay $8000 in cash to bail out her grandson. She offered to pay with a credit card, but was instructed it had to be cash. Grandparent scammers usually ask for cash, since there will be no paper trail once the money has been handed over.

    She was also told that these proceedings were under a gag order, and she could not tell anyone about them. Again, this is done to isolate the victim. Gag orders do not work in this way and are usually given to the participants of a trial.

    She went to her bank and got the $8000 and was told to put it in a shoebox full of magazines. We imagine this is done in an attempt to hide the money from police in case the scammer is pulled over, but any cop worth their salt would find the money fairly quickly.

    Then someone posing as a courier came to her house, claimed the box and drove off. Local police are now searching for the supposed courier.

    Two hours after this all happened, her actual grandson called her and told her he had not been in jail.

    One of the best ways to protect yourself from this scam is to ask the ‘grandchild’ only something they would know. When confronted with questions like this, scammers tend to hang up. You can also hang up from the phone call and try to call the person who has been supposedly arrested. No one ever got more jail time from being hung up on. Lastly, you can also call the police department that supposedly arrested them. They’ll be more than happy to assist you and will let you know if you’re being scammed.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 9, 2022 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: couriers, , ,   

    Why are grandparent scammers showing up at the door? 

    Why are grandparent scammers showing up at the door?

    By Greg Collier

    The police in a Maine resort town recently reported two separate instances of the grandparent scams, where two victims had been taken for a combined $30,000. In both of these instances, the scammers posed as couriers who picked up the money in person.

    Unfortunately, the grandparent scam has been finding victims for some time now. For new readers, the grandparent scam is when scammers will call an elderly victim posing as one of the victim’s grandchildren. They’ll claim they’re in some kind of legal trouble and need money for bail or other legal fees. In numerous instances, the scammer posing as the grandchild will pass the call off to another scammer posing as an attorney, the police, or a bail bondsman to make the scam seem more believable.

    When the grandparent scam first started making headlines, the scammers were asking for their payment in gift cards or money transfer services like MoneyGram. More recently, the scammers have shown up at the victim’s homes claiming to be couriers to take the money to the supposed grandchild. One could assume that may be just so the scammers could get the money quicker. However, according to police from Maine, there are a couple of reasons why the scammers do this.

    When trying to collect money through a service like MoneyGram, the scammers still have to produce some form of identification. This requires the scammer to have false identification, which takes time and money. Showing up at the victim’s home requires neither. There’s also the perception that since a courier is picking up the money, the courier must be a local person, which adds credence to the scam. However, scammers posing as couriers are usually either from another part of the country or even overseas.

    If you or someone you know receives one of these phone calls, it’s best to hang up and contact the person the scammers are claiming to be. Scammers will try to pressure you into staying on the line, however, if someone is truly in legal trouble, it’s not going to make matters worse if you verify their story.

    As always, we ask that if you know an elderly person or couple who live alone and may not have access to the internet, please let them know about this scam.

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