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  • Geebo 9:00 am on February 7, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Store manager accosted during scam 

    Store manager accosted during scam

    By Greg Collier

    Many scammers often operate from overseas, however, sometimes they can be right next door.

    Recently, a store manager in Maryland was targeted in a scam. The store she works for is a popular convenience store chain from the Northeast that’s famously open 24 hours a day. The scammer called the store at 3:30 in the morning. The caller claimed to be from the store’s corporate office and told the manager that the store had an overdue bill that needed to be paid right away. The manager was instructed to take the money from the store safe and make a deposit at the Bitcoin ATM at the gas station next door.

    When the manager took the money to the gas station, the cashier informed her that the call she received was likely a scam. The manager must have been relieved as she was exiting the gas station, but unfortunately, the story didn’t end there. The scammer must have been monitoring her closely because as she left the gas station, a man described to be a heavy-set man in his 40s allegedly grabbed the manager’s arm and tried to take the money from her. Thankfully, she was able to flee to safety.

    This is not the first time we’ve heard of a scam like this. Scammers frequently target store chains that tend to have a younger workforce. By posing as the police or the stores’ corporate offices, they’re often trying to get store employees to drop off the store’s money to them. We suspect the scammers target younger employees, as they may not be familiar with how payments from the store actually work.

    Anytime someone mentions making payment to a Bitcoin ATM, they’re trying to scam you. No legitimate company or agency will ever ask for payment through a Bitcoin ATM, or any other type of cryptocurrency exchange. Also, we doubt many corporate offices are doing any kind of financial business at 3:30 in the morning.

    If faced with such a situation, verify the call’s authenticity before acting. If unable to reach a supervisor, contact the purported office directly. And remember, any payment demand at odd hours should raise suspicion and can wait until proper verification during business hours.

  • Geebo 9:00 am on February 1, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    The hidden mental toll inflicted on scam victims 

    The hidden mental toll inflicted on scam victims

    By Greg Collier

    When discussing scam victims, it’s crucial to avoid questioning, “How could anyone fall for this?” Such judgmental language hinders victims from openly sharing their experiences. The reluctance of scam victims to come forward contributes to a growing pool of potential targets for scams. Often burdened by a sense of shame and embarrassment, these individuals already grapple with the aftermath of losing their money to scammers. Ridicule only exacerbates the mental toll on victims, pushing them to a point of extreme distress with no easy return.

    For instance, a recent incident involved an elderly woman from Arizona who suffered a loss of $204,000 to scammers employing the pop-up window tactic. The fraudulent message claimed her computer had been compromised and provided a customer service number to address the issue. Upon calling the number, the scammers fabricated a story about someone attempting to withdraw $14,500 from her bank account. They instructed her to withdraw the money and deposit it into a Bitcoin ATM for enhanced security. She followed this procedure for 13 consecutive days, despite her bank’s attempts to caution her against the scam. The scammers manipulated her by forewarning that such warnings would come from her bank and insisted she keep the situation confidential due to an alleged hacking of ‘everything’.

    Upon realizing she had fallen victim to the scam, the emotional toll on the victim was profound, leading her to a dark and challenging place. Struggling in silence for months with the weight of her secret, she reached a point where she contemplated taking her own life. It was only after reaching out to a crisis hotline that she found a lifeline. Eventually, she summoned the courage to confide in her son and a few trusted friends about the distressing ordeal.

    Scam victims should take several crucial steps when faced with such a distressing situation. It’s essential to connect with friends, family, or a support network. Sharing the experience can provide emotional relief and valuable perspectives. Report the scam to the local authorities or the relevant law enforcement agency. Providing details can contribute to ongoing investigations and help prevent further scams. Share your experience to raise awareness and prevent others from falling victim to similar scams. Awareness is crucial in combating fraud.

    Supporting scam victims is crucial, and there are several ways others can provide assistance. Be empathetic and understanding. Scam victims often experience feelings of shame and embarrassment, so providing a non-judgmental and supportive environment is essential. Encourage the victim to report the scam to law enforcement, relevant authorities, and consumer protection agencies. Reporting helps in tracking and preventing future scams. Share the victim’s experience (with their consent) to raise awareness about common scams. This can help educate others and prevent them from falling victim to similar schemes. Help the victim find support groups or online communities where they can share experiences with others who have faced similar situations. This can provide a sense of camaraderie and understanding. If the victim is experiencing severe emotional distress, encourage them to seek professional help from mental health professionals or crisis hotlines.

    By offering practical assistance, emotional support, and raising awareness, individuals can play a vital role in helping scam victims recover and preventing others from falling victim to similar schemes.

    Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

  • Geebo 9:00 am on November 15, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Jury duty scammers find the perfect victim 

    By Greg Collier

    The jury duty scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers impersonate officials from the legal system, typically claiming to represent a court or law enforcement agency. The scam often begins with a phone call or email informing the targeted individual that they have failed to appear for jury duty and now face legal consequences such as fines or even arrest warrants. To resolve the supposed issue, the scammer then requests sensitive personal information, such as Social Security numbers, financial details, or even payment for the fabricated penalties. These scams play on the fear of legal repercussions, catching victims off guard and coercing them into providing sensitive information or money to avoid fictitious consequences. If you go by the number of times this scam finds its way into headlines, it may be the most prolific scam going today.

    Recently, in the Atlanta Metro Area, scammers found a victim who had recently gone through an experience which made her the perfect victim for the jury duty scam. The scammers posed as her local police and told her she had missed jury duty. In this instance, they used the name of an actual police officer from that department. They told her a warrant was about to be issued for her arrest, but she could avoid that if she just paid a $3000 fine in Bitcoin. The victim deposited the money into a Bitcoin ATM that was in a local gas station. What made the victim more vulnerable to this scam than most was the fact she had just been excused from jury duty last month, so she thought the phony charge was somehow related to that. It was more than likely a coincidence that scammers found such a victim, as scammers typically cast the widest net possible in order to find as many victims as possible.

    If you receive any communication regarding jury duty, it is essential to independently verify its legitimacy. Contact your local courthouse or law enforcement agency directly using official contact information to confirm the authenticity of the message. Keep in mind that legitimate government entities do not employ aggressive tactics, issue threats, or demand immediate payments over the phone or through email. Should you suspect that you have become a target of a scam, promptly report the incident to your local law enforcement agency and the relevant authorities to ensure appropriate action is taken.

  • Geebo 5:28 pm on August 31, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Does cryptocurrency automatically mean a scam? 

    Does cryptocurrency automatically mean a scam?

    By Greg Collier

    Ok, we admit that our headline asks a pretty loaded question we’re pretty sure will get some crypto-bros all riled up. We’re not talking about people who legitimately and knowingly invest and trade in cryptocurrencies. Instead, we’re talking about your average consumer, and for them, when someone asks for payment in cryptocurrency, it’s almost always a scam.

    Before cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum became somewhat mainstream, scammers would ask for payment in gift cards because the funds could easily be emptied from the card, and once that happens they’re virtually untraceable. For similar reasons, scammers have started demanding their payments be made in cryptocurrency. While cryptocurrency can technically be traced, the nature of cryptocurrency allows its users to remain pseudonymous.

    The problem for scammers used to be getting their victims to convert their own money into cryptocurrency. Depending on the scam, scammers could walk their victims through an online cryptocurrency exchange, but something easier has come along. Enter the Bitcoin ATM.

    Bitcoin ATMs are kiosks that allow anyone to either buy or sell Bitcoin. At one of these ATMs, someone could enter their Bitcoin wallet information and exchange their Bitcoin for cash. Conversely, someone could purchase Bitcoin by depositing cash into the machine, and that’s where scammers come in.

    For the average consumer, anyone who asks for some kind of payment or transfer in cryptocurrency is a scammer. Businesses won’t ask you to pay your bills in cryptocurrency. Banks will not tell you your money needs to be protected by exchanging it for cryptocurrency. Neither, will the police, the government, or any tech giant like Apple or Microsoft.

    These scams tend to target the elderly due to their perceived lack of knowledge about modern technology. In just the past 24 hours, we found three stories involving elderly victims putting their money into a Bitcoin ATM, which went straight to the scammer’s digital wallet.

    In Kansas City, a man was dumping thousands of dollars of cash into a Bitcoin ATM at a gas station. Thankfully, the clerk noticed what the man was doing and contacted the police. When the police arrived, the man was still on the phone with the scammer. The scammer hung up once the police officers introduced themselves. The man thought he was talking to his bank, who told him to move his money to keep it safe. Again, that’s not a thing banks do.

    In the Reno area of Nevada, an elderly man almost lost $15,000 to scammers. This victim was told their bank account had been connected to criminal activity. Once again, the victim was told to move their money to protect it. In this instance, the scammers could have impersonated law enforcement officers, his bank or both. This man was lucky, as local police got a search warrant for the Bitcoin ATM, and were able to recover his cash. However, that is the exception and not the norm.

    Lastly, a victim from New Jersey lost $25,000 to a Bitcoin ATM scam. This victim received an email that appeared to come from his bank about a transaction they didn’t make. He was also probably asked to deposit the money into a Bitcoin ATM to protect his bank account.

    Scammers are the only ones who insist on receiving payments in cryptocurrency. Any reputable business will never ask you to send cryptocurrency as a prerequisite for making a purchase or ensuring the safety of your funds. Such requests are always indicative of fraudulent activity.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on July 17, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Job scam uses victims to rob banks 

    Job scam uses victims to rob banks

    By Greg Collier

    Recently, the city of Omaha, Nebraska, experienced a bank robbery and an attempted bank robbery with similar M.O.s. In both instances, a woman handed a phone to the bank teller. The person on the phone threatened the bank tellers into giving money to the person who handed them the phone. Except, the people standing at the teller’s counter had no idea they were being used in a bank robbery. So, how did this happen? We could just say ‘Craigslist’ and leave it at that, but we’ll give our readers a more in-depth explanation.

    According to a local news report, the women who entered the banks had replied to a Craigslist ad looking for someone to help with a sick and elderly relative. Once the women responded to the ad, they were told they would be helping with, “light housework, grocery store runs, and helping with finances.” Don’t you think classifying ‘helping with finances’ as bank robbery is a bit much? Anyway, the women were told they needed to go to the bank to withdraw money for the relative’s medical bills. The women handed the phones to the tellers, thinking their employer was discussing a withdrawal.

    Only one of the women was ‘successful’ and thought nothing of it when the teller handed her the money. That woman was instructed to deposit the money at a Bitcoin ATM.

    To make matters worse, the supposed employer obtained the women’s bank information, promising he would pay them through direct deposit. The scammer did try to steal from one of the victim’s accounts, but was unsuccessful.

    At the time of this writing, no arrest has been made.

    While a scam like this is unlikely to happen to the average jobseeker, it does highlight a couple of red flags when looking for a job online. If your employer only communicates through text messages, instant messaging, or phone call, and won’t meet you personally, there’s an excellent chance they’re a scammer. Also, if the position requires you to make any kind of payment involving cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, there’s an even grater chance the job is a scam.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on April 21, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Never move your money for law enforcement 

    By Greg Collier

    Police impersonation scams are far from new, but they seem to be picking up steam lately if the reporting is to be believed. Even we made a post recently about three different police impersonation scams. Although, the phrase ‘police impersonation’ can be a misnomer. Scammers also impersonate federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, the DEA, and Borders and Customs. Or, in the case of today’s scam, the U.S. Marshals Service.

    An elderly woman from Massachusetts recently received a phone call from someone claiming to be a U.S. Marshal. The caller told the woman she had been a victim of identity theft and that her money was at risk. The victim was then instructed to empty her bank account, so the money could be ‘protected’ by the U.S. Marshals. She was told she’ll deposit into a Bitcoin ATM, where she would have a digital wallet that would be hers alone.

    The victim was then instructed to go to four different branches of her bank and withdrawal $30,000, all the while being kept on the phone with the phony Marshal. Unfortunately, none of the bank branches ever inquired about the withdrawals.

    She made two deposits into two separate Bitcoin ATMs before driving to her attorney’s office, who immediately informed her it was a scam.

    Seniors can be particularly vulnerable to police impersonation scams, since many of their generation were raised to have a health respect for the police. It also didn’t help that this scammer sounded calm and helpful on the call, while most scammers threaten their victims with arrest.

    Moving your money to protect it from hackers and identity thieves isn’t a thing. If a bank account becomes compromised, the money is gone instantly. There’s no ‘grace period’ where police can intervene. Additionally, law enforcement doesn’t tend to warn consumers if they’be been a victim of identity theft. That would be something the victim would need to report to police. Lastly, anytime someone you don’t know personally brings up Bitcoin as a form of payment, the odds are you’re being scammed since the cryptocurrency is largely unrecoverable.

    If you receive a call like this, ask for the officer’s or agent’s name and badge number before calling the actual police department or agency they claim to be from.

    If you know someone who you think may be vulnerable to this scam, please let them know.

  • Geebo 9:00 am on January 30, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Victim evicted after rental scam 

    By Greg Collier

    A man from Durham, North Carolina, says that he is homeless after falling victim to a rental scam. The man is said to have found a listing for a house for rent that had three bedrooms and two baths that was listed for a reasonable rent.

    The man was even able to tour the home after being given the code to the lockbox that contained a key to the home. The man exchanged several text messages with the person he thought was the landlord. He was eventually given a lease and was asked to pay the deposit in Bitcoin.

    The person he was texting with gave the man step-by-step instructions on how to deposit the money into a Bitcoin ATM. The texts even included a QR code for the man to use when making the deposit. The man ended up sending $2100 as a deposit.

    Not too long after the payment was made, the man discovered he had been scammed. After losing his money, he no longer had money to pay the rent at his current home, and was evicted. He recently told his local media he’s currently homeless after being evicted.

    According to the local news, there was a sign inside the home warning anyone touring the property to watch out for scams. However, scammers usually explain that away pretty successfully. Typically, they’ll tell their victims that they had listed the home with a rental agency, but are now renting it out themselves.

    The way scammers are able to access the property’s lockbox us by posing as a prospective tenant to the rental agency. This way they’re able to obtain the code to the lockbox, since some agencies don’t change the lockbox code as long as the property is listed.

    If you’re ever looking to rent a property and a supposed landlord asks you to pay in Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, the odds are likely you’re about to be scammed. In layman’s terms, cryptocurrencies ate virtually untraceable and are near impossible to reclaim once money has been transferred.

    When looking for a home to rent, always do a web search on the home’s address. Look to see if there are multiple listings for the same address. If there are, look at the listings for a rental agency or a property management company. Those are typically the legitimate listings. And if the multiple listings have different rent prices, the lower one is almost guaranteed to be a scam.

  • Geebo 9:00 am on November 14, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Work from home scammers have thought of everything 

    By Greg Collier

    We never like to give scammers any credit, but sometimes they’re pretty clever and their scams ingenious. A profitable scam requires a massive investment of time and has to be planned out meticulously. Plans have to be made for almost any situation, in case something with the scam goes off-script somewhere along the way. That’s part of what makes scams so frustrating. Scammers could probably be successful in legitimate fields if they put their minds to it. Instead, we get stories like this where victims lose thousands of dollars.

    A woman from the Kansas City area recently graduated from college. Since she didn’t own a vehicle, she wanted to find a job where she could work from home. She accepted a job offer that she thought was a legitimate company. What was actually going in is that the scammers were posing as this company. She even did her due diligence by researching the company.

    The problems started, as most work from home scams do, when she received a check from her phony employer. They asked her to deposit the check into her bank account, then use Zelle to send money to an office supply company for her work equipment. Surprisingly, Zelle blocked the transaction.

    The scammers didn’t even hesitate. They then instructed her to go to a local Bitcoin ATM to send $4500 to the office supply company, which she did.

    As you might expect, the check turned out to be a fake, and now the woman is responsible for the $5000 check she deposited into her account.

    No matter how legitimate the company may seem, no real employer is going to ask you to deposit a check into your bank account and then have you use it for business expenses. Real companies just don’t work that way. They also won’t have you pay vendors using apps like Zelle, nor Bitcoin ATMs. Real employers have vendors that they’ll pay themselves to furnish any equipment that may be needed for a legitimate work from home job.

    Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to rip you off.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on July 28, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Couple loses $350K In Apple scam 

    By Greg Collier

    To be honest, there’s not a lot of information about this story. The report that we’ve read spends more time discussing the amount lost to the scammers, which, to be fair, is a lot. However, we can assume how the scam worked from previous scams in a similar vein. But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

    An elderly couple from the state of Michigan are said to have lost $350,000 to a tech support scam. The couple reportedly withdrew money from several different accounts to send money to the scammers through a Bitcoin ATM.

    The county sheriff’s office where this scam took place says that they are familiar with scams like this, but this is the largest amount lost they’ve ever seen.

    What we do know about the scam is that the couple received a message on their computer that appeared to come from Apple Computers with a phone number to call.

    This sounds a lot like the pop-up scams that claim to be from Microsoft. These pop-ups, which can lock up your computer, say things like your computer has a virus, or is in danger of being hacked. These pop-ups usually also instruct victims to call a phone number to resolve the issue.

    When a victim calls one of these phony customer service numbers, they’ll be told some outlandish tale about how their computer is being hacked, and the hackers are about to steal all the victim’s money. The victim will then be instructed that in order to protect their money, they need to move it somewhere safe. This is when the scammers will direct the victim to withdraw their money from their bank accounts and send it to the scammers in the forms of gift cards, cryptocurrency, or some other form of untraceable payment.

    What many victims don’t know is that companies like Apple, Microsoft, or Google don’t really know whether your computer has been compromised or not. If you receive one of these pop-up messages, turn your computer off. Hold down the power button until it turns off, if you need to. If the pop-ups continue, you may need to run a malware scan using a product like Malwarebytes. Malware and viruses are more likely to affect computers that run Microsoft Windows than Apple computers.

    If you still can’t get your computer to function properly, try taking the device to a computer repair store. It will cost you a lot less in the end than sending the money to scammers.

    But whatever you do, do not call the phone number in the pop-up message.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on July 6, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Scammer drives elderly victim to Bitcoin ATM 

    Scammer drives elderly victim to Bitcoin ATM

    By Greg Collier

    Scammers showing up at the door of their elderly victims is unfortunately not new. We’ve seen this mostly with the grandparent scam, where the scammers pose as couriers picking up the money to supposedly bail out one of the victim’s grandchildren. We’ve also seen an increasing number of scammers who get their victims to give the scammers their money through Bitcoin ATMs. This mostly happens with shut off scams, where the scammers pose as power companies, threatening the victims with their service being shut off immediately if they don’t pay. Now, take the two most alarming parts of those scams, and you have one of the more frightening scams we’ve discussed.

    In Fresno, California, an elderly woman got a pop-up on her computer claiming her device had a virus and that she needed to call Microsoft. The number included in the pop-up did not go to Microsoft, but to a scammers’ phone. The scammer told the woman that someone overseas is trying to hack into her bank account. She was instructed to go to her bank and withdraw $9,000. The scammer also told her that she couldn’t call anyone else, or their phone would get the virus. She was even told to tell the bank that she was withdrawing her money to buy a new car if the bank asked.

    After withdrawing the money, the bank manager even drove the woman home due to the heat and the fact she was carrying a large amount of cash. She had taken an Uber to get to the bank.

    After she got home, the scammer called her back and said that having a large amount of cash at home was a security risk, so they’ll send someone to her home to take her to a Bitcoin ATM to ‘protect’ her money. Someone picked up the woman and drove her to a gas station, where they instructed her on how to deposit the money into the Bitcoin kiosk. This actually sent the money to the scammers and was unrecoverable. Thankfully, the scammer or their accomplice took the woman home unharmed.

    There are few things more frightening than thinking about an elderly relative being driven by a stranger while they’re carrying a lot of money. We’re sure it also makes the scam victim feel less secure in their own home.

    As is with most tech support scams, computer companies like Microsoft or Apple have no idea whether your computer has a virus or not. If they did, that would be a huge breach of privacy. Also, any time someone you don’t know tells you not to call your family or police is virtually guaranteed to be a scammer. Lastly, you can’t protect your money at a Bitcoin ATM. They are mostly used to convert cash to Bitcoin. In these scams, victims are depositing their cash into the scammer’s Bitcoin wallet.

    Scams like this can be devastating to the elderly, as some families decide to oversee their finances. While this would alert family members to large bank transactions, many seniors feel like this robs them of their independence.

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