New brushing scam adds QR code component

New brushing scam adds QR code component

By Greg Collier

The brushing scam is a type of fraud where sellers on e-commerce platforms, like Amazon, send unsolicited packages to individuals to create fake positive reviews. People receive packages containing random, inexpensive items they did not order. Scammers use the recipient’s name and address to create fake accounts, making it seem as though the recipient purchased the item. They then write positive reviews under these fake accounts, boosting the product’s ratings and visibility.

This increase in visibility makes the product appear more popular and credible, which in turn increases its sales. Although the recipients of these packages are not directly financially affected, their personal information is being misused, which can be concerning.

A police department in Georgia has reported that some scammers have added a more malicious twist to the brushing scam. According to the Thomasville Police Department, recipients not only receive random, inexpensive items, but also a QR code instructing them to register their new product. Scanning this QR code can download a malware virus onto your phone, giving scammers access to sensitive data stored on your device.

If you receive an unexpected package, think twice before interacting with any included instructions or QR codes. Instead, change your account passwords immediately, as your information may have been compromised. Closely monitor your accounts and credit reports for any suspicious activity. Notify the authorities to report the scam. Lastly, try to inform the retailer about the fraudulent activity.

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