A Microsoft employee is not coming to your home to collect money

A Microsoft employee is not coming to your home

By Greg Collier

For years, scams thrived in the digital shadows, but the landscape is shifting. Traditionally safe havens like our homes are no longer immune, with a troubling rise in scammers taking a physical approach. Preying on the vulnerable and unsuspecting, these fraudsters are turning up on doorsteps, demanding cash or valuables under false pretenses. This aggressive tactic adds a frightening new layer to the ever-evolving world of scams. These personal invasions intensify the financial impact and significantly heightens the emotional distress experienced by the victims.

For example, a new and particularly insidious fraud scam has emerged in Asheville, North Carolina, catching the attention of both local law enforcement and cybersecurity experts. According to the Asheville Police Department (APD), suspects are now posing as Microsoft employees after hacking into victims’ personal computers. This scam stands out due to its in-person element, which is becoming less of a rarity in the realm of fraud.

The scheme typically begins with a pop-up message on the victim’s computer, falsely claiming that the system has been locked or frozen. The message prompts the victim to call a number purportedly linked to Microsoft. Once contact is made, the scammers, posing as Microsoft representatives, instruct the victims to withdraw cash from their bank accounts. In a bold escalation, an individual claiming to be a Microsoft employee then arrives at the victim’s residence to collect the money, setting this scam apart from more common remote fraud tactics.

Microsoft, along with other large technology companies, does not send representatives to individuals’ homes to collect payments or resolve technical issues. These companies operate through official communication channels such as verified emails, phone calls from authenticated support centers, and secure online platforms. Any request for personal information, financial details, or payments through home visits is not a legitimate practice of these companies.

Never trust unsolicited tech support calls or pop-ups. Verify company representatives directly. If someone claims to be from Microsoft (or any other company), don’t give out personal information or money. Look up the company’s official contact details and reach out directly.

The emergence of scammers coming directly to victims’ homes introduces a new level of danger and urgency in combating fraud. This approach not only threatens financial security, but also poses significant personal safety risks. Allowing an unknown individual into one’s home under false pretenses can lead to confrontational or even violent encounters. It is crucial to remain cautious and skeptical of any unexpected visitors claiming to represent companies or requesting personal information.