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  • Geebo 9:00 am on March 7, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , roof repair scam,   

    Roofing scam targets seniors 

    Roofing scam targets seniors

    By Greg Collier

    In the neighborhoods of Queens, New York, a disturbing trend is emerging. Home repair scammers are preying on vulnerable seniors. These heartless individuals masquerade as contractors offering essential repairs, only to vanish with thousands of dollars, leaving behind shattered trust and financial devastation.

    One such victim is an 80-year-old resident of Queens. On a seemingly ordinary day, a construction truck pulled up outside her home, marking the beginning of her ordeal. A persuasive man approached her door, claiming to be a contractor working on her neighbor’s roof. He alleged to have noticed issues with her own roof, offering a free estimate.

    In a moment of vulnerability, the victim, trusting the stranger’s words, allowed him to inspect her roof. Deceived by fabricated images of non-existent damage, she was coerced into believing urgent repairs were needed. Despite never experiencing leaks, fear gripped her, and she succumbed to the scammer’s convincing facade.

    The scammer, employing manipulative tactics, presented a contract and demanded a hefty down payment of $10,000, later reduced to $5,500 in cash. The following day, workers descended upon her home, dismantling her roof under false pretenses.

    As days passed, the scam unfolded. The scammers kept demanding more money, draining the victim of a staggering $31,000. It wasn’t until a vigilant bank employee intervened that the harsh reality dawned on her that she was a victim of fraud.

    When a stranger arrives at your doorstep claiming to be a contractor working on a neighbor’s house or offering leftover materials from a previous job, alarm bells should ring. These seemingly innocent encounters often serve as the initial ploy in a larger scheme to defraud unsuspecting homeowners. It’s crucial not to grant access to your property or roof to individuals employing such tactics, as they may intentionally cause damage to fabricate the need for repairs.

    Moreover, skepticism is warranted when confronted with claims of damage that you haven’t personally observed. Trusting solely in the words of strangers, especially when it comes to the integrity of your home, can lead to costly repercussions. Always rely on your own assessment and seek multiple opinions from reputable contractors before committing to any repairs.

    By exercising caution and refusing to be swayed by persuasive pitches, homeowners can effectively thwart attempts by scammers to exploit their trust and financial resources.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 18, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: hail storm, roof repair scam, , , storm damage   

    Repair scams plague storm victims 

    Repair scams plague storm victims

    By Greg Collier

    We didn’t intend for it to be disaster week here on the blog, but that’s how the news cycle went this week. However, today’s story shows that a disaster doesn’t have to be a major catastrophe like the ongoing Maui wildfires. It can be as something as simple as a storm. This week, portions of Minnesota and Wisconsin dealt with severe weather that included hail storms. Some areas received golf ball sized hailstones. When hailstones become that big, they can do a number on your home, especially your roof.

    While roof damage can be a major inconvenience in someone’s life, the damage isn’t too small where scammers won’t show up to someone’s door offering their repair services. One man in Minnesota who does have roof damage from the storm told local media he’s had nine supposed roof repairmen show up at his door. The man said that all nine looked like they were from legitimate contractors, but legitimate looking credentials can be easily counterfeited by scammers.

    The roof repair scam is a type of fraudulent activity where scammers pose as legitimate roof repair contractors but engage in deceitful practices to exploit homeowners. These scams typically involve offering roof repair services at a seemingly attractive price, but the quality of work is often subpar or unnecessary.

    Scammers might knock on doors, make unsolicited phone calls, or send out flyers offering their services. They may claim to have noticed issues with the homeowner’s roof that require immediate attention, such as damage after a hail storm.

    Scammers often provide extremely low bids compared to legitimate contractors, making their offer seem like a great deal. Homeowners are enticed by the prospect of saving money on necessary repairs.

    To start the work, scammers may demand upfront payments or a substantial deposit. Once they have the money, they might either perform minimal, shoddy repairs or vanish without completing any work. They could also begin the repair work but leave it incomplete, citing unexpected complications or issues that require additional funds to resolve.

    To protect yourself from falling victim to a roof repair scam, always research contractors before hiring them. Look for reviews, check their website and contact information, and verify their credentials. Get quotes from multiple contractors to compare pricing and recommended repairs. Seek recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have had positive experiences with roofing contractors. Lastly, be wary of contractors who pressure you into making quick decisions or demand immediate payment.

    By being cautious and thorough in your evaluation of potential contractors, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to a roof repair scam.

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