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  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 4, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Scam Round Up: Scam targeting service members and more 

    Scam Round Up: Scam targeting service members and more

    By Greg Collier

    This week, in the Scam Round Up, we’re bringing you a warning about a scam you’ve probably heard of and two scams you might not have.


    Our first scam is one of the more common scams. It’s so common, it even predates the internet. The Pennsylvania State Troopers have issued an alert about the secret shopper scam. Some of the larger retail chains employ secret shoppers to evaluate the customer service in their stores. However, it’s not as common a job as scammers would have you think.

    A woman from the Keystone State lost close to $3000 to the scam. She thought she had been hired by Walmart as a secret shopper. She was sent a check and told to deposit it in her bank account before going out and buying gift cards from Walmart. Once she did, she gave the card numbers to the scammers, who she thought were her employer. The check she deposited was a fake, and the scammers made off with the value of the gift cards.

    If any job asks you to deposit a check into your own account that is supposed to be used for business purposes, the odds are the check is a fake.


    Do you follow any celebrities on social media? If you do, you may want to watch out for any offers they might make. Recently, a number of celebrities have had their social media accounts hijacked or impersonated. The fraudulent accounts claimed that the celebrities were selling PlayStations at retail price, with the proceeds going to charity. By the time some of the celebrities were able to regain access to their accounts, some victims had already sent money to the scammers.

    Sometimes, celebrities, especially online personalities, will have giveaways, but rarely will they sell anything through social media. If you see one of these posts, be very skeptical, and remember that if something is too good to be true, it probably is.


    Our last scam is one that is specifically targeting members of our nation’s military. Members of the Illinois National Guard have been receiving phone calls by someone claiming to be a first sergeant. The caller tells the service member that they’re owed back pay. The caller then asks for the amounts of the service member’s last three paychecks. Then the service member is asked to pay a fee of almost $300 in order to receive the back pay.

    According to reports, if a service member is owed back pay, they’ll be notified by their chain of command and not a random phone call.


    While these scams may not be happening right now in your area, you’re now hopefully prepared if they do.

  • Geebo 9:00 am on December 1, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Playstation 5, , , , Xbox Series X   

    Video game consoles are the new scam item 

    Video game consoles are the new scam item

    The hot new items this holiday season are the latest generation of video game consoles, the Playstation 5 and the Xbox Series X. The consoles were released last month and due to the pandemic and scalpers, the consoles have been in short supply. The demand has gotten so high that some scalpers have even been robbed when trying to sell an overpriced unit. While we can’t tell you how to get your hands on one of the new consoles, we can tell you how not to get scammed if you’re looking to buy one this holiday season.

    The main way to prevent yourself from being scammed is sticking with known retailers, both online and brick and mortar. While you’re searching online for a console, you may start to see ads for websites advertising the new consoles from retailers you’ve never heard of. Before clicking on that ad, research the retailer. Do a web search of the retailer’s name with the word ‘scam’ and see what comes up. If you try to use one of these scam sites, you could potentially end up providing scammers with your credit or debit card information.

    If you’re the type that has no reservations about dealing with scalpers, stick with sites like eBay that offer some kind of purchase protection. If you’re lucky enough to find one of the consoles on a classifieds site, make the exchange at your local police department. Also, inspect the box before buying as some scammers will put things like bricks and phone books in the box to make it seem heavy.

    The best advice we can give you is to just keep periodically checking with known retailers. You may just get lucky with your perseverance. However, if for some reason you’re not able to get a console this holiday season, keep in mind that there really aren’t any must-have games for either console yet.

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