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  • Geebo 9:00 am on January 20, 2025 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: casket insurance, , , , , obituaries,   

    Scammers Exploit Grieving Families’ Pain 

    Scammers Exploit Grieving Families' Pain

    By Greg Collier

    In a distressing turn of events, a funeral home in Decatur, Georgia, is facing an alarming wave of fraud targeting grieving families. In recent weeks, multiple families preparing to say goodbye to their loved ones have fallen prey to scammers exploiting their vulnerability during a time of mourning.

    The fraudsters are using online obituaries to identify potential victims, posing as staff members from the funeral home and contacting families directly. These deceptive calls involve claims that the families owe additional fees, such as ‘casket insurance’, and threaten that services could be disrupted if payments are not made promptly. The amounts requested have ranged from a few hundred dollars to thousands, often demanded through unconventional methods like mobile payment apps, such as Cash App.

    This type of scam is particularly traumatic, preying on individuals at one of the most emotional and challenging times of their lives. Grieving families, eager to ensure nothing interferes with the memorialization of their loved ones, can be especially susceptible to such fraudulent tactics. Many victims feel devastated and embarrassed upon realizing they have been deceived.

    Understanding how these scams operate is essential to preventing them. Funeral homes typically have established payment procedures that involve in-person discussions and formal agreements. Any unexpected request for payment, particularly via phone or digital platforms, should raise immediate red flags. It is always advisable to verify any payment requests directly with the funeral home to ensure their legitimacy.

    To protect themselves, families are encouraged to handle all aspects of funeral planning directly with their chosen funeral home. This approach not only minimizes the risk of falling victim to fraud but also ensures clear communication and understanding of all arrangements. Reporting such incidents to local law enforcement is equally critical, as it helps raise awareness and potentially curtail further fraudulent activities.

    As scammers continue to exploit the emotional vulnerabilities of grieving families, staying informed remains the best defense. The impact of these scams goes beyond financial loss, adding unnecessary stress and anguish to already heart-wrenching situations. By recognizing the warning signs and prioritizing secure communication with funeral homes, families can safeguard their memories and focus on honoring their loved ones without fear of exploitation.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on July 6, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: obituaries, , ,   

    Are obituaries gold mines for scammers? 

    Are obituaries gold mines for scammers?

    By Greg Collier

    Recently, we’ve published a number of posts about a scam that involves funeral homes. In this scam, scammers comb the obituaries, looking for a notice that lists the funeral home being used. This allows the scammers to pose as the funeral home while trying to extort money from the deceased’s family. Now, it seems, that scammers are using the obituaries for a different scam.

    In Pennsylvania, a family was looking for a new home to rent. The family found a home for rent on Facebook Marketplace that they thought was quite the bargain at $800 a month. The home’s supposed owner said they had just accepted a job out of state, as to why they were renting the home. When the family asked to see inside the home, they were told they would need to send the money first, then they would be sent a key and a contract.

    This struck the family as odd, so they decided to do a web search on the homeowner. The name the family had been given belonged to a man who had just recently passed away. The home that was listed had belonged to the deceased man, but it was actually being put up for sale.

    The theory is scammers are using the properties of the recently deceased in order to avoid having their potential victims being warned away.

    While this family thankfully avoided being scammed, there could potentially be victims out there who lost money to this scam.

    When looking to rent a new home, you can never do enough research. Not only should you web search the home’s address to look for duplicate listings, also check the names of anyone involved who claims to be the landlord or homeowner. This is especially important when the rental price seems too good to be true.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 8, 2021 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , obituaries,   

    Scammers are combing obituaries for new victims 

    By Greg Collier

    As we have discussed before, if you’ve lost a loved one to COVID-19, you could be eligible to have part or all of the funeral expenses paid for under FEMA’s American Rescue Plan. Under the plan you could be reimbursed up to $9,000 for funeral expenses. As you can probably guess, this has led scammers to try to take advantage of the program. In order to accomplish that, scammers need not only the information of the deceased, but the information from the surviving family members as well.

    The way scammers achieve this is by posing as FEMA agents or the organization itself. Scammers will send out robocalls, emails and text messages posing as FEMA asking victims to contact them. Any contact information the victims are given does not go to FEMA but to the scammers instead. The victims will not only be asked for personal information concerning themselves and the deceased., but they may be asked for an upfront payment disguised as a ‘processing fee’. It’s already been documented that scammers have tried to obtain the death certificates of COVID-19 victims so they can try to claim the program money for themselves.

    According to the Better Business Bureau, scammers are even combing the local obituaries to get as much information about the deceased and their families as possible. However, this scam does have its drawbacks if you know a couple of items of information. Government agencies like FEMA very rarely initiate first contact, and if they do, they will do so through traditional channels like postal mail.

    If you have lost a loved one to COVID-19 and require financial assistance for funeral expenses, you have our most sincere condolences. If you would like to apply for FEMA’s assistance you can do so at FEMA’s COVID-19 Funeral Assistance webpage.

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