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  • Geebo 10:50 am on December 23, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Nintendo, , , Super Mario Runner   

    Super Mario Scammers 

    Super Mario Scammers

    The character of the little Italian plumber Mario has been a mainstay of video games for over 30 years ever since his introduction as ‘Jumpman’ in the arcade classic Donkey Kong. So it should come as no surprise that when Nintendo released a Mario game for Apple devices recently, that it broke download records for iOS devices. It should also come as no surprise that scammers were immediately trying to take advantage of the game’s popularity.

    The game, called Super Mario Runner, comes in two versions. There is a free stripped-down version and a deluxe version that unlocks the full game for $9.99. Several places online are offering to unlock the game for free but as the saying goes there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Most of these offers are nothing more than phishing attacks that ask you for your personal information with the promise of unlocking the game for free on your iPhone or iPad. Of course that never happens and now you’ve just provided and identity thief with all the information they could ever need.

    Many of us have fond memories of Mario somewhere in our childhoods. Leave it to the lowly scammers to take something so cherished and innocent and corrupt it. While not the lowest of the low, these scammers are at least in the top ten of the low, or bottom ten depending on your perspective.

  • Geebo 10:01 am on August 31, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Analogue Nt mini, Nintendo,   

    Would you buy a $449 NES? 

    Would you buy a $449 NES?

    The Analogue Nt mini

    I have fond memories of my original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game console. I remember countless hours spent with my friends playing Super Mario Bros. and Tecmo Bowl, while also putting epic hours playing the initial installment of Final Fantasy. I also had not so fond memories of the popular system. I’m sure those of us who were around remember blowing into the cartridges to try to get them to work, even though that did more harm than good. I also remember shoving in a cartridge on top of another cartridge to get a game to work.

    Now, yes in 2016, a company called Analogue has made what may be considered the ultimate NES system. The Analogue Nt mini is a modern update of the original NES that is not only made out of brushed aluminum but is capable of being played on today’s HDTVs. The only thing you need to provide are the actual NES cartridges from 30 years ago and the $449 it costs to actually buy the system. Also due to the fact that the Analogue Nt mini is made from some original NES parts supplies may be limited.

    While this might be on a lot of gamers’ wishlists, not too many of us still have all our NES cartridges. I sold all of mine so I could buy the Super Nintendo. However, I know plenty of hardcore gamers that have either kept their collection or have amassed a collection over the years that would make the Analogue Nt mini a perfect addition to their collection.

  • Geebo 10:03 am on July 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Nintendo,   

    Off Topic Friday: Nintendo to release new ‘old’ console 

    Off Topic Friday: Nintendo to release new 'old' console

    Nintendo made headlines for the second time this week cashing in on nostalgia once again. The Japanese game company has announced that they are releasing a mini version of its classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) from the 1980s. The newly announced NES Classic Edition not only fits in the palm of your hand but it comes pre-loaded with 30 games from the classic 8-bit era. Some of the titles include all three Super Mario Bros. games, the original Final Fantasy, and Zelda I and II. The best part is there are no cartridges to blow in to get them to work.

    If you were a gamer from back in the day this could be a great opportunity to show gamers of today that there is a beautiful simplicity in these 8-bit classics that kept us engaged for a generation.

    The console is set to be released in November of this year.

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