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  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 28, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , live streaming, , , volleyball   

    Beware of Fake Sports Live Streams 

    Beware of Fake Sports Live Streams

    By Greg Collier

    As the excitement of high school sports ramps up this fall, scammers are seizing the opportunity to prey on unsuspecting fans. From volleyball to football, fraudulent live stream offers are becoming a common tactic to steal personal information and money. Understanding how these scams operate can help you stay one step ahead and protect your financial security.

    In Jonesboro, Arkansas, high school volleyball fans recently fell victim to a scam involving a fake social media profile. The account, masquerading as the Arkansas Activities Association, claimed to livestream games for local schools. Fans eager to support their teams were directed to links requiring payment, only to discover that no game was being streamed. Instead, their credit card information was captured by the scammers.

    Similarly, in Birmingham, Alabama, high school football fans are being targeted with fake live stream links. Scammers are capitalizing on the enthusiasm surrounding Friday night football, advertising streams that don’t exist or are of such poor quality that they’re not worth the money. Worse, once these fans enter their payment information, they often find themselves subscribed to a service that continually charges them without delivering the promised content.

    The mechanics of these scams are alarmingly simple. Scammers create fake social media profiles that appear legitimate by mimicking official school or athletic association accounts. These profiles then post links claiming to offer live streams of sports events. Eager to watch, fans click on the links and are asked to enter their payment information. Once the payment is processed, the promised stream either doesn’t exist or is of such low quality that it’s unwatchable. Meanwhile, the scammers have already gained access to the victims’ financial information.

    As these cases illustrate, vigilance is key to avoiding sports live stream scams. Here are some tips to keep in mind. Always confirm that the live stream is being offered by an official school or athletic association account. If in doubt, contact the school’s athletic department directly.

    Most legitimate high school sports live streams are free or require minimal payment through recognized platforms. If a site requests your credit card information, it’s a major red flag.

    Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but by staying informed and cautious, you can enjoy your favorite high school sports without falling victim to their tactics. Remember, when in doubt, trust only official sources and verify before you pay.

  • Geebo 10:10 am on July 18, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Dani Mathers, , live streaming, , , , Stephen Drake Edwards   

    Does live streaming bring out the worst in us? 

    Does live streaming bring out the worst in us?

    Live streaming has proven to be invaluable within the past few years when it comes to not only news but criminal investigations and social movements. Unfortunately, it’s also been used to commit disparaging acts as well.

    In Los Angeles, Playboy model Dani Mathers allegedly sent out a Snapchat of an undressed woman at her gym while making disparaging remarks about the woman’s body. Backlash from that incident not only led to Ms. Mathers being banned from the entire chain of gyms and the loss of her radio job but she’s also being investigated by the LAPD for illegal distribution of the Snapchat.

    Even more disturbing, 20-year-old Stephen Drake Edwards has been arrested in Detroit for allegedly brandishing a gun towards a man while hurling homophobic slurs at him. Edwards streamed the entire event on Periscope. He is even said to have done a second live stream on Periscope where he fielded questions about the incident. While he did receive backlash from the LGBT community he also had a number of supporters and therein lies the problem.

    There have even been more heinous crimes and activities that have been live streamed that have received positive feedback while they were taking place. The internet has always allowed distasteful groups and individuals to organize and communicate but live streaming now allows them to disseminate their messages and activities in real-time. However, live streaming is just a tool and like any tool can be abused for the wrong purposes. It seems these acts are more of a reflection of some of the more intolerant and ignorant subsections of our society.

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