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  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 5, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Green Dot, payroll diversion,   

    Payroll diversion scams plague employers 

    Payroll diversion scams plague employers

    By Greg Collier

    A Kansas police department has recently issued a warning regarding a troubling payroll scam targeting employers and businesses.

    In this case, a local employer received what appeared to be a legitimate email from an employee, requesting a change to their direct deposit information to a GreenDot account. While GreenDot is a valid online-only banking service, the email was a fraudulent attempt by scammers to divert the employee’s payroll funds. If the name GreenDot sounds familiar, their prepaid debit cards are frequently used as demanded forms of payment in other scams.

    The scam was only uncovered when the employer discussed the change directly with the supposed sender, who was unaware of any such request.

    This scam is classified as a payroll diversion scam, where the perpetrator masquerades as an employee and contacts someone within the organization who has the authority to modify payroll details. More sophisticated versions of this scam involve hackers using social engineering tactics to access an employee’s email account. Once inside, they can either send fraudulent emails from the victim’s work account or gain entry to an online payroll portal to alter direct deposit information.

    To prevent such scams, the Federal Bureau of Investigation advises caution with the information shared on social media. Personal details such as pet names, schools attended, birthdays, and family member names can provide hackers with enough information to guess passwords and gain access to sensitive accounts.

    If you receive a suspicious email or believe you have been targeted by an online scam, it is crucial to report it immediately to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. By staying informed, businesses and individuals can protect themselves from falling victim to these increasingly common scams.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on May 27, 2022 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Green Dot, , , ,   

    Scam Round Up: Zelle in online marketplaces and more 

    Scam Round Up: Zelle in online marketplaces and more

    By Greg Collier

    As most of us get ready for a three-day weekend, let’s take a look at three scams that we all probably should review.


    In Pennsylvania Dutch Country around Lancaster, authorities are warning residents that the car wrap scam has resurfaced in their area. This is when scammers promise their victims they can make money by wrapping their car in advertisements. In this particular instance, the scammers are posing as Hershey Chocolate, which is headquartered in the area. However, this scam is a variation of the fake check scam. The scammers will send you a fraudulent check they want you to deposit in your bank account before using that money to pay an ad agency who provides the wrap. Except, there is no ad agency. They’re just another part of the scam. So by the time your bank realizes the check you deposited is fake, the scammers will be long gone, and you’ll be on the hook to your bank for the amount of the check and any subsequent fees. No legitimate employer will ever ask you to deposit money into your bank account and then have you use it for business expenses.


    In the Cincinnati area, the jury duty scam is being reported on again. Although, this could literally be from anywhere in the United States since it’s such a common scam. Once again, this is the scam where scammers pose as law enforcement or the court system and try to convince their victims over the phone that they missed jury duty. To make themselves seem legitimate, the scammers know the victim’s address and the last four digits of their Social Security number. This information was more than likely obtained in a data breach. The scammers then tell their victim that in order to avoid arrest, they can pay a fine over the phone. In the Cincinnati story, the scammers are asking for their payment specifically in prepaid debit cards known as the Green Dot card. We’re surprised that the jury duty scammers are still using Green Dot cards when most other scammers have moved on to Zelle.


    And speaking of Zelle, the money transfer app is being used in yet another scam. This time, the scammers are targeting sellers on online marketplaces. A man in Denver was trying to sell a mattress online when he got an immediate response from a supposed buyer. The buyer said that someone else would be picking up the mattress. The buyer also requested to be able to pay through Zelle, and the seller was sent an email from ‘ZelleOfficialPay@gmail.com’. The seller realized that Zelle wouldn’t be using a Gmail address. So, it sounds like that the scammers were posing as Zelle to send some kind of fraudulent payment to the seller. Remember, Zelle should only be used between friends and family. Any online transaction that requests Zelle for any reason is a good indication it could be a scam.


    Thank you for reading, and we hope you have a safe Memorial Day weekend.

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