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  • Geebo 10:01 am on August 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: games, , pac-man, solitaire, tic tac toe   

    Shall we play a game? 

    Shall we play a game?

    Come on. Be honest. You’re not going to get a lot done today. It’s Friday, the boss has left early for the weekend and the phones are pretty quiet. The problem is that the IT Department has stripped anything even remotely fun from your computer. So if you’re looking for something to keep you occupied while the minutes slowly tick away until quitting time, Google has got your back.

    As of yesterday, if you go to Google Search and type in either ‘tic tac toe’ or ‘solitaire’ you’ll now be able to play those games within your browser. This works on both desktop and mobile platforms. These are just the latest tricks you can do with Google Search dating back to when they fist introduced the ‘do a barrel roll’ trick. Google has also put games in browser before as it once put a PAC-MAN game within the Google Doodle when it was celebrating PAC-MAN’s 30th anniversary.

    The fact that Google chose tic tac toe as one of their games reminds me of the 1980s movie War Games and how Matthew Broderick’s character had to have the military supercomputer play itself in tic tac toe in order to prevent nuclear Armageddon. Back then, even the most rudimentary video games required either a console or computer. Now in a lot of instances we only need a browser or an app. In case you’re not that old and have always lived with more complex games, appreciate what you have now because you will see many more amazing technological advances in your lifetime.

  • Geebo 10:03 am on July 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: games, , ,   

    Off Topic Friday: Nintendo to release new ‘old’ console 

    Off Topic Friday: Nintendo to release new 'old' console

    Nintendo made headlines for the second time this week cashing in on nostalgia once again. The Japanese game company has announced that they are releasing a mini version of its classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) from the 1980s. The newly announced NES Classic Edition not only fits in the palm of your hand but it comes pre-loaded with 30 games from the classic 8-bit era. Some of the titles include all three Super Mario Bros. games, the original Final Fantasy, and Zelda I and II. The best part is there are no cartridges to blow in to get them to work.

    If you were a gamer from back in the day this could be a great opportunity to show gamers of today that there is a beautiful simplicity in these 8-bit classics that kept us engaged for a generation.

    The console is set to be released in November of this year.

  • Geebo 9:56 am on July 11, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , games, , Pokemon Go   

    What exactly is Pokemon Go and is it safe? 

    What exactly is Pokemon Go?

    In case you haven’t heard, the new must have app among mobile users is Pokemon Go. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a mobile game for both iOS and Android that is based on the wildly popular Pokemon video games made by Nintendo. In the original games, the player travels around the confines of the game capturing the fantastical creatures known as Pokemon. One of the great features of the games was that you could play and trade with your friends.

    Pokemon Go is what’s known as an augmented reality game. That means that it overlays elements of the game into the real world through the screen of your mobile phone. The game puts you into the role of a Pokemon trainer and allows you to catch virtual Pokemon in the real world. The game was designed to not only get players to get up and move around but it also has a social aspect that allows other players to meet in real life.

    Even though the game is incredibly popular and fun to play, that doesn’t mean that there haven’t been drawbacks. The first thing to consider is that the game keeps its players looking down into their cell phones. If a player is not aware of their surroundings it could lead to injuries and in fact it has. Any game ultimately leads to cheating and in the case of Pokemon Go it has led at least one man to use a drone in order to try to locate rare Pokemon without putting in the footwork. Some people have even used Pokemon Go to allegedly rob players when they show up to areas where Pokemon are said to be.

    However, having said all of that Pokemon Go can be a fun and safe time for both adults and kids and even parents and their children as long as you use common sense.

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