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  • Geebo 8:00 am on April 14, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , economic impact payment,   

    More tips and answers about coronavirus relief checks 

    More tips and answers about coronavirus relief checks

    Even with the announcement that the majority of American taxpayers will be receiving an economic impact payment because of the current pandemic, there is still some confusion about these payments.

    The one topic about the payments that seems to get a lot of traction is the question of whether or not the government will take the money back at a later date. Some are saying that the economic impact payments are basically an advance on your tax return. That is incorrect. The economic impact payment is a one-time 2020 tax credit. It’s not being counted against any existing credits. You will not have to pay it back this year, next year, or any year. If you financially qualify for the payment, which we detailed here, you will never have to pay it back.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpR7N1Qiijk%5D

    We also previously mentioned that you’ll receive your payment by direct deposit if you’ve received your 2018 or 2019 tax refund by direct deposit. However, if you didn’t have to file a tax return to the IRS, you can go to the Economic Impact Payments page on the IRS website to provide your information. All you have to do is click on the button that says Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info Here and fill out a form to start the processing of your payment.

    For people who receive Social Security benefits, you’ll receive your payment the same way you receive your benefit payments. Although, you can receive additional money in your economic impact payment if you have dependents under the age of 17. You’ll have to take additional steps to get the supplemental payment but those steps have not been outlined yet.

    Again, if you have additional questions about your economic impact payment, you can always check with the Coronavirus Tax Relief website that’s run by the IRS.

    And remember, no one can get you your payment to you any faster than the government is issuing them. Anyone who says they can is just trying to scam you.

    (H/T Money.com)

    • Tonya Tyler 11:47 am on April 22, 2020 Permalink

      Will people on Disability that let someone carried them on their income tax. …ever get a Check we living Check To Check

    • Geebo 6:15 pm on April 22, 2020 Permalink

      While we, unfortunately, don’t have the answer for every situation from what we understand, people on disability will receive their stimulus payment the same way they receive their disability payments.

      This is according to the AARP.

      The automatic payments will be issued no later than early May in the same manner SSI recipients normally receive benefits: by direct deposit, paper check or Direct Express debit card.


    • Diana 6:53 pm on April 28, 2020 Permalink

      When does ssi get theres

    • Geebo 6:58 pm on April 28, 2020 Permalink

      From what we understand, they’re supposed to start going out this week.

  • Geebo 8:30 am on April 8, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , economic impact payment, , , , , stay at home order   

    More ways to identify a coronavirus relief payment scam 

    More ways to identify a coronavirus relief payment scam

    Before we get to the heart of the matter today, The Washington Post has provided its readers with a list of what the stay at home orders mean for each state. Please keep in mind that these are orders are not only in place for your protection but the protection of those who may be at risk.

    Now, we have talked about the coronavirus relief payments before. It seems that everybody is concerned about when and where they are receiving theirs. Again, we’d like to remind you that if you received your 2018 or 2019 tax refund through direct deposit, that is where you will receive your relief payment. As we have also mentioned before, these payments have become the biggest target for scammers lately even though they have yet to be issued. For the majority of people, you will not have to do anything to receive your payment. So anyone emailing, texting, or calling you about your stimulus payment is trying to scam you. Another way to tell that you’re being scammed is how the person approaching you refers to the payment. If they refer to it as anything but an economic impact payment they are more than likely trying to scam you.

    For example, a Florida man received what looked like an official check in the mail that claimed to be from an ‘economic automotive stimulus program’. he only had to go to a ‘stimulus relief site’ to receive his funds. The so-called stimulus relief site was a used car lot that was using the guise of relief payments to get customers.

    The FBI has even put out a warning to consumers to try to stop them from becoming money mules during the pandemic. This is when scammers will have their victims place funds in the victim’s bank account then have the victim remove it and send it to a third party. Sometimes the funds are real and are using the victims to launder the money, other times the money may not even exist while the victim deposits a fake check in their bank account before sending the funds to someone else. These schemes could take the form of work at home scams and charity scams.

    Lastly, the Better Business Bureau is warning about a new twist on an old scam taking place on Facebook Messenger. The BBB is saying that Facebook accounts are being hijacked by scammers who use them to tell victims about grants they may qualify for during the pandemic. The victim believes they’re talking to a close friend when in fact they’re talking to a scammer. The hook with these scams is that they want you to pay a fee in order to receive the grant. However, once payment is made there is no grant money coming.

    Money is tight during the current crisis. Once again, we ask that you don’t let the fear surrounding the pandemic sway you into making choices that may cost you in the long run. Please stay safe and healthy.

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