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  • Geebo 9:00 am on January 28, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: clickbait, , Kobe Bryant, , spear phishing   

    Scammers are preying on the loss of Kobe Bryant 

    Scammers are preying on the loss of Kobe Bryant

    No matter what your opinion of Kobe Bryant may be, it’s a tragedy that he and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna along with seven other people lost their lives in a helicopter crash over the weekend. Leave it to the scammers of the internet to waste no time in trying to take advantage of this horrible accident. It seems like it took the scammers no time at all to put their schemes into action after the news broke of Kobe’s untimely passing. In less than a day, con artists had taken to the internet to try to prey on Kobe’s fans in their time of mourning.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnB0S6QZYXg%5D

    The Better Busines Bureau, as always, is already on top of these scams. They are warning that the scams are coming in two different forms of attack. The first is what’s known as a spear-phishing attack. Emails are being sent out en masse claiming to be from a reputable news outlet. The email will claim to have some kind of exclusive news that’s not being reported anywhere else. The email will contain either a link or an attachment that the scammers will hope you’ll click on. This could lead to any kind of malware being installed on your device.

    In a similar vein, the second form of attack is clickbait. These are the headlines you may see that claim to have news that ‘you won’t believe’. Or they may claim that they have ‘exclusive footage’ that no one else has. These websites also contain malware that could be used to steal personal information from your device.

    In any case, you should never click on links or attachments in emails from people you don’t know personally. Also, the articles that go along with shocking headlines usually aren’t shocking at all and could contain code that could possibly hijack your device. Always think twice before clicking on any potentially risky link.

    • Suberinacooperjohnson 4:43 am on January 30, 2020 Permalink

      The FBI should take these people check.

    • Suberinacooperjohnson 4:45 am on January 30, 2020 Permalink

      Continue praying for the entire kobe bryant family especially his wife , vanassa& daughters. As well as his mother/father & sisters.entire Lakers family, friends & fans.

  • Geebo 9:35 am on August 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: clickbait, , newsfeed   

    Facebook to clamp down on clickbait 

    Facebook to clamp down on clickbait

    Facebook just became a little less annoying. No, they haven’t stopped your relatives from saying wildly inappropriate things. No, they haven’t stopped your friend from going on their latest ill-informed political diatribe. What they have done is to limit the amount of clickbait in your news feed. While you may not know the term ‘clickbait’ you’ve definitely seen it on Facebook. They’re the articles that have phrases in their headlines like “You won’t believe what happens next” or “This will shock you”. In a nutshell clickbait is any article that purposely withholds information in order to get you to click on the link.

    Entire websites have been built around Facebook clickbait and now they’ll have to rethink their strategies in order to get views from the social media giant. Hopefully their new strategy will be to write engaging content but I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for it. Shady publishers and content mills will always be looking for the next way to try to fool Facebook users to click on the web content version of fast food and your friends and family will continue to clog your news feed with them.

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