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  • Geebo 8:00 am on July 1, 2021 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 4th of July, , , , PTSD   

    Please be considerate with fireworks 

    Please be considerate with fireworks

    By Greg Collier

    Yes, it’s great that we get to reacquaint ourselves with our friends, family, and neighbors this 4th of July weekend. After the year we’ve all had, many of us have reason to celebrate this summer. And nothing says 4th of July like some celebratory fireworks. In municipalities where fireworks are legal this time of year, restrictions are being lifted so party goers can celebrate in style. Even in places where fireworks aren’t legal, there will still be a number of get-togethers that will include fireworks. However, if you care about your community, you may want to reconsider how you go about setting off your explosive party favors.

    As most pet owners can tell you, 4th of July can be very stressful for cats and dogs. This is the time of year when most pets escape due to the loud noises from fireworks. July 5th is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters since so many pet owners are looking for their lost dog or cat. If you’re a pet owner, you should get your pets inside before sundown. This should also include outdoor cats. Make sure your home is secure while your pets are inside as frightened pets can sometimes find an escape that you may not have thought of.

    It’s not just pets you should be considerate to, either. There’s also a number of people who are sensitive to fireworks as well. When we think of PTSD, we tend to think of military veterans. Yes, we should be taking combat veterans feelings into consideration, but civilians cat get PTSD as well. Loud noises at night are often a trigger for PTSD sufferers. If you must set off fireworks, please don’t make it a week-long event. Consider keeping it limited to only the 4th. You may also want to consider not letting the fireworks go deep into the night, either. Think about cutting them off at around 10:00 PM.

    We all want to have a safe and happy weekend. Please take the happiness and safety of your neighbors into consideration as well.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on July 5, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 4th of July, , ,   

    How to get your lost pet back! 

    How to get your lost dog back!

    Hopefully, you had a safe and happy Independence Day. We especially hope your pets were safe yesterday as the 4th of July fireworks are one of the leading causes of missing pets. If your pet happened to vanish during t=yesterday’s festivities you have our deepest sympathies, however, we will do what we can to help you get your fur baby back into your home.

    If your pet is tagged with your home address and phone number or have been microchipped, you’re already ahead of the game. Contact your local animal control, animal shelters, and police departments. You may even want to contact those in neighboring towns or cities just in case your pet was able to get that far. Ask your neighbors if they’ve seen your pet and also ask your mail carrier as they tend to be familiar with some of the pets on their route.

    Posting fliers around town never hurts either. Just make sure the posting is not too cluttered but be sure to include the important details. You may want to also add a note on the flier asking people to check their backyards as well. Put the fliers in mailboxes, on telephone poles and ask local businesses if you can post the fliers in their windows.

    Even the digital world can be of assistance too in helping to find your lost pet. You can post notices on classifieds sites, neighborhood sites and apps like Nextdoor, and sites and apps specifically designed for missing pets. However, this can open you up to missing pet scams where people claim to have your pets. These scammers will try to get you to send them money to deliver your pet back to you. If you take the digital route, make sure the person claiming to have found your pet sends you a picture of your pet. These scammers will try to get you to send them money to deliver your pet back to you.

    Even though the 4th of July may be over since it’s become a four day weekend this year the fireworks may continue well into Sunday night. Keep your pets inside as much as you can to better protect them from the loud noises and hopefully, you’ll be able to keep them at home.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0EGOi0Wcok%5D

    Below are more resources to better help assist you.

    What to do if you lose your pet
    More Tips for Finding a Lost Pet
    Clever Ways to Find Lost Pets

  • Geebo 9:16 am on July 2, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 4th of July, , ,   

    Keep your pets safe this 4th of July 

    Keep your pets safe this 4th of July

    If your neighborhood is anything like mine, some inconsiderate Independence Day revelers may have started the celebrations early with fireworks. These spontaneous outbursts of gunpowder may even last long into the following weekend since the 4th of July is in the middle of the week this year. With your neighborhood possibly sounding like a reenactment of the Battle of Bunker Hill you’ll probably want to take extra special care this week with your pets as dogs and cats can be especially frightened by the loud noises and flashing lights.

    According to WLNS in Lansing, Michigan, animal shelters see a surge in lost pets immediately after the 4th of July. I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about dogs and cats escaping their yards out of fear during fireworks celebrations. Unfortunately, not all of these pets are taken to shelters and some are never seen again.

    If you want to protect your pets this 4th of July it’s best to limit their time outside after dark and create a safe space for them inside your home. If you haven’t already, you probably want to have your pet microchipped in case they do escape. This way if they turn up at a shelter or a vet you can be notified that your pet has been found. Tags and collars can come detached during a fearful escape while the microchip will remain. During the fireworks, try to keep your pet in an interior room preferably with no windows and with a TV or radio playing in the background. You should also stay within eyesight of your pet as much as possible.

    Sadly, it’s a reality that too many people are not considerate of their neighbors when it comes to these haphazard celebrations and it’s up to you to keep you and your furry loved ones safe.

  • Geebo 9:59 am on July 3, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 4th of July, ,   

    Gas is cheaper this year, but stay safe on the 4th 

    Gas is cheaper this year but stay safe on the 4th

    Gasoline is cheaper for cars this summer than it has been in a long time. Because of that a lot of people will be traveling for the holiday especially since the 4th is close to a weekend. Due to increased travelers, the risk of danger might be at an all time high tomorrow. In case you were unaware, the 4th of July is considered to be the most dangerous holiday of the year when it comes to traveling.

    If you plan on doing any traveling this holiday please buckle up. Also, it should go without saying not to drink and drive. If you do plan on celebrating the holiday with a drink or two, and find yourself incapable of driving, arrange alternative methods of transportation like a ride-sharing service or a taxi. Also as always, alcohol and fireworks are never a good mix. Leave the fireworks to the professionals.

    Boating is also very dangerous during the 4th of July due to increased traffic, but it’s even more dangerous at night. If you’re out boating at night, and an accident or boat failure occurs, it might be difficult to signal anyone with a flare since they may consider the flare as more fireworks.

    Have a safe and fun holiday as we want to see you back here on Wednesday.

  • Geebo 9:58 am on July 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 4th of July, alcohol, , ,   

    Off Topic Friday: The 4th of July is the deadliest holiday 

    Off Topic Friday: The 4th of July is the deadliest holiday

    Fireworks notwithstanding, the Fourth of July is the most dangerous American holiday of the year when it comes to vehicular incidents. One might think that it would be New Year’s or St. Patrick’s Day due to the amount of alcohol consumption that is synonymous with those holidays however, the National Safety Council has dubbed the Fourth of July the most dangerous holiday of the year.

    If you plan on doing any traveling this weekend please buckle up and it should go without saying not to drink and drive. If you do plan on celebrating the holiday with a drink or two and find yourself incapable of driving, arrange alternative methods of transportation like Uber or Lyft or even a taxi. Also as always, alcohol and fireworks are never a good mix, leave the fireworks to the professionals.

    On behalf of Geebo, have a safe and fun holiday weekend. We want to see you back here on Monday.

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