Zillow scammers list multi-million dollar homes for just thousands

By Greg Collier
In a previous post, we mentioned that even Zillow isn’t immune from rental scammers. In that post, we discussed how a scammer claimed a property on Zillow to run a rental scam. That scammer was charging victims for things like deposits and application fees for a property they didn’t own. So, someone might think that homes for sale on Zillow can’t be scam listings. Well, it depends on the home and the price.
A scammer, or group of scammers, are claiming multi-million dollar properties on Zillow, and listing them for sale at a fraction of the price. For example, in Jacksonville, Florida, a $2 million home was listed for sale with a price of only $21,000. In Raleigh, North Carolina, a $1.3 million home was listed for sale with a price tag of $17,000. What makes this story so incredible is the reason the scammers claim they’re selling these homes at such a deep discount.
On both listings, the scammers say, “I’m selling my home inexpensively because, my family own many properties across the country. A few times a year we sell one or a few of our homes to first time buyers for under $50,000. This is done as a tax rite off for us, & to bless a family or individual that needs it, & as being a first time buyer, may not be able to get a home otherwise.”
Of course, the supposed good Samaritan lists a few caveats before the sale can take place. They insist the buyer be a first-time home buyer who has no representation such as a realtor, bank, investor, or attorney.
So, we’re sure you’re asking where’s the scam? The listings insisted that any prospective buyer has to put down a $2000 deposit just to take a tour of the home. And how is the deposit supposed to be paid? Through Zelle, of course. As you may know, the peer-to-peer payment app has come under heavy criticism in recent times for being one of the favorite tools of scammers.
But as they say on TV, that’s not all. Not only are the scammers looking to take $2000 from each victim, but they’re probably looking to steal their identity as well. In addition to the Zelle deposit, the scammers are asking their victims for an electronic signature, an email address, and a photo ID.
In Zillow’s defense, the false listings were removed once they were brought to Zillow’s attention.
While stories of wealthy people giving something of great value to a needy family makes for great fiction, they rarely happen in real life. As you may have noticed, the listing, as copied above, is rife with spelling and grammatical errors. This is a sure sign that a real estate listing is a scam.
And once again, apps like Zelle and the like are only supposed to be used between friends and family. Anyone outside of your circle who is asking for payment through Zelle is almost assuredly a scammer.
If you are shopping for a new home, the best way to protect yourself from false listings is to check with that county’s tax assessment office. They should have all the information you need to find the true owner and realtor.
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