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  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 8, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Job and check scam targets college students 

    Job and check scam targets college students

    By Greg Collier

    College students have it hard enough today without having to worry about scammers. Unfortunately, that’s what makes them prime targets for scammers. With the ever-increasing cost of tuition, college students often take on part-time jobs along with their full class schedule. Juggling both isn’t an easy feat, and that’s if a student can find a job that allows them the flexibility to attend their classes. With that amount of activity on their plates, it’s no wonder scammers are targeting students.

    One college student from Iowa found this out the hard way to the tune of $3000. The student received an email that appeared to come from his university. It even came from an email address used by his school. The email offered him a job for $450 a week running errands for an off-campus employer. The student said he knew other students who had similar positions, so he didn’t think it was a scam.

    The student was sent a $3000 check and was told to deposit the check into his bank account. He was told to keep $450 for himself and send the remainder of the check to charities. If you’re a regular reader, you know exactly what happened next.

    After the student sent out the money, the student’s bank discovered the check was fraudulent. The charities were more than likely other scammers waiting for their cut. Even though the student was a victim of a scam, he still owes his bank the full amount of the phony check. There aren’t too many college students who can just produce $3000 out of thin air. Having a delinquent bank account like this can also affect his future credit and other banking opportunities.

    While we might like to think our nation’s universities and colleges have their email accounts on lockdown, they don’t. Even email addresses that end in .edu can be hijacked by scammers. They’re just as vulnerable as personal and business email accounts if they have a weak password or were compromised in a data leak.

    Also, no legitimate employer is ever going to ask you to deposit a check used for business expenses into your own account. If they do, the check is fake, and they’re a scammer.

    If you’re a college student, and you receive an email like this, call the proper university department to verify if the job offer if legitimate or not. If you know a college student or have one in your family, you might want to pass this story on to them. Let’s try to make their lives a little easier.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 7, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Hacked phone call leads to business scam 

    Hacked phone call leads to business scam

    By Greg Collier

    It almost seems like anything can be turned into a scam these days. Granted, this is a blog that mainly focuses on scams. As the saying goes, when you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. However, there used to be a time when you could call a local business, leave them a voicemail, and expect a call back from that business. Now, it seems, that even that is at risk from scammers.

    According to the Better Business Bureau, a woman from Pennsylvania left a voicemail with a local concrete company. She needed some repair work done. Instead of getting a phone call, she received a text that claimed to be from the concrete company. The text asked for a picture of the repairs that needed to be done and a $50 deposit paid through Venmo. If you’re unfamiliar with Venmo, it’s a personal payment app on your phone that is supposed to only be used between family and friends.

    The victim then received another text asking for another $50 before she was asked to pay for 50% of the price of the job. All these payments were supposed to be paid through Venmo. It was at this point the woman called the actual concrete company, who told her that they weren’t the pones behind the text messages.

    It turned out that the concrete company’s voicemail service had been hijacked by the scammers. Who knows how many customers the scammers took advantage of in this way?

    Now, we’re not saying that this type of scam is a national crisis. This is the first we’ve heard of this type of scam. However, it is something to keep in mind if it does become a bigger problem.

    Another thing to keep in mind is when a supposed business asks for payment through an app. Whether it’s Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle, these apps are only intended for personal use and not for business. Even most local handymen and women have ways of accepting payment through credit or debit cards. Any business that asks for payment through one of these apps may not be on the up and up.

    If you feel like things aren’t on the level when dealing with a business, don’t be afraid to end communication.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 6, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Student loan forgiveness scams have begun 

    Student loan forgiveness scams have begun

    By Greg Collier

    Around this time last week, we posted a warning about how scammers were more than likely looking to take advantage of the new student debt forgiveness program that was recently issued by the government. Well, the scammers didn’t wait long, as we already have reports of scammers trying to take advantage of the confusion surrounding the new plan.

    According to the Better Business Bureau, they’ve already begun receiving complaints about student loan scammers. In one instance of the scam, scammers are leaving voicemails with their potential victims, identifying themselves with generic names like ‘the Biden student loan forgiveness program’. If someone were to call the number back, the person on the other line would start requesting personal and financial information. This would no doubt lead to instances of identity theft.

    In another version of the scam, scammers posing as the loan forgiveness program will try to have victims pay a fee. The scammers might even try to get victims to direct their loan payments to the scammers’ bank account.

    There are two things to keep in mind with these scams. The first one is that the government is not going to reach out to you to see if you qualify for student debt forgiveness. It will also not be applied to your debt automatically. You need to reach out to the government to see if you qualify. The other thing to keep in mind, is that there is no fee to apply for the debt forgiveness. Anyone who asks you for a fee or payment is trying to scam you.

    As we said previously, the best way to protect yourself is to not accept loan forgiveness offers from strangers. Whether it’s over the phone, through social media, or any other form of communication, if they approach you first, they are not from the government. And again, you can also better protect yourself by not only learning if you qualify for the new program, but how the process works. CNBC has a great article on eligibility for the program, but you can also go to the Federal Government’s Student Aid website for further information.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 2, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Scam Round Up: New virus scams and more 

    Scam Round Up: New virus scams and more

    By Greg Collier

    Once again, we’re bringing our readers three stories about scams that can either be told quickly or are reminders of past scams.


    We often don’t think about locksmiths until we’ve been locked out of our home or locked the keys in our cars. These instances can produce a panicked situation that scammers are more than willing to take advantage of. According to a warning from the Better Business Bureau of New England, scammers are impersonating legitimate locksmiths to lull victims into a false sense of security. Victims will be quoted a price before the locksmith scammer adds exorbitant fees once the service is done. Often the work will also be shoddy if you have the locks replaced by them.

    To avoid being scammed, avoid locksmiths who don’t use a company name when answering the phone. You can also ask to see an invoice and their identification before they start working. You may also want to research your local locksmiths before you have to choose one in a panic.


    A couple in Ohio nearly lost their home after falling prey to some false county records that were mailed to their home. They received a letter that appeared to come from the county tax office that said there were problems with their property tax and needed to fill out and return some forms. The forms were sent to them by a scammer who was looking to steal their house out from under them by using the documents the couple signed to reassign ownership of the house to himself. The scammer even showed up at their house telling them to leave, saying it was his house now. Thankfully, after police got involved, the couple were able to straighten everything out with the county.

    If you receive anything in the mail about your property tax claiming there is an issue, call the tax office to verify if there is an actual issue before signing anything.


    Even though monkeypox isn’t spreading nearly as fast as COVID-19 did, scammers are trying to take advantage of any potential fear of the new virus. It’s believed there will be monkeypox scams that are almost exact duplicates of COVID-19 scams. According to law enforcement in Virginia, residents there have been receiving emails that contain links to ‘mandatory safety awareness training’ for monkeypox. However, if you click on one of the links, you’re taken to a website that asks for your Microsoft login. This is not a Microsoft website and is only looking to steal your credentials.

    As always, when it comes to safety information about any outbreak, you should always check with your county’s health department for additional information.

    If you’d like to learn more about scams like this, you can review the COVID-19 scams that we’ve previously posted about.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 1, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    A different type of disaster scam 

    A different type of disaster scam

    By Greg Collier

    This summer, the country has experienced a number of major storms. While no hurricanes have made landfall yet, these storms have done untold damage. From the floods of Kentucky and the Midwest, to Mississippi, and parts of the Northeast, many Americans have had to deal with tremendous loss after these floods.

    When these floods have struck, we have posted warnings about scams that could not only affect flood victims, but our other readers as well. You never know when a natural disaster may hit your area. The typical scams we warn about are scammers posing as FEMA agent, home insurance scams, and contractor scams. On top of those, there’s another scam that we haven’t even heard of until now. But obviously the scammers have.

    One of the Better Business Bureau branches in Louisiana is warning about what they’re calling a post-disaster document replacement scam. And if anybody should know about flood scams, it’s the Pelican State. While many of us might think the most important thing to do after a natural disaster is contact FEMA or your home insurance company. But what if you lost your everyday documents such as your driver’s license to the flood?

    The BBB is stating that in past floods this year, scammers started texting people in the flooded areas. The texts claimed to offer flood victims assistance in getting new copies of their driver’s license, Medicare or Medicaid cards, and Social Security cards. Victims would then be asked to click on a link to a phony website designed to take your personal and possibly financial information.

    As great as it would be, no government service is going to reach out to you first to offer assistance in getting new documents. In each case, you would need to notify the different departments in charge of each document, whether it’s the state or federal government.

    A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is if you’ve been the victim of a natural disaster, and people start calling you offering assistance out of the blue, be very suspicious of their offer.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 31, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Victim loses $40K in bank scam 

    By Greg Collier

    A man from the Central Valley region of California recently lost close to $40,000 in a bank scam. As far as we can tell, Zelle wasn’t even used, which is a rarity these days. The man received a phone call from someone claiming to be from the fraud department at Bank of America. The caller is said to have told the man that there were fraudulent transactions on his account. But before the ‘fraud department’ could help him, they said they needed the man to give them a six-digit code they were sending to him, so he could verify his identity.

    The man gave the caller the code, and we’ll get to the importance of that in just a bit. The caller then told the man that since there was fraudulent activity on his account, they needed to shut down the online banking option on his account. The caller was actually a scammer who drained the man’s account of nearly $40,000 with several transactions.

    The most disturbing part of this scam is that the scammer already had the victim’s personal information. The victim didn’t have to give the caller any information, as the scammer was able to give the man’s personal information to him. The scammer even disabled the notifications the man should have received when the scammer started taking large amounts out of the man’s account.

    So how was the scammer able to access the man’s bank account? The news article doesn’t go into detail about that. However, if we were to hazard a guess, it seems like the scammer already had all the information needed to access the man’s account. The information could have been obtained through any number of data breaches that have happened in the past few years.

    The only thing the scammer really needed to access the account was the authorization code. Many banks require their customers secure their account using a two-factor authentication code. So even if someone tries to log in to a bank account with the username and password, they’ll still need the 2FA code that’s typically sent to the customer’s text messages. Once the scammer was able to obtain that code, they had complete access to the man’s bank account.

    Anytime you receive a phone call from your bank, especially about fraudulent activity, hang up and call the bank back using the number on the back of your debit card. Scammers almost always spoof the number they’re calling from. Also, never give anyone any authorization code over the phone. These codes aren’t just used for banking, either, as many online accounts can be hijacked if someone were to give this number out.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 30, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    A desperate plea for help leads to family getting scammed 

    A desperate plea for help leads to family getting scammed

    By Greg Collier

    There should be no shame in reaching out to your neighbors for help. Today, if we do decide to reach out, we often do it online. Not only out of convenience, but because it helps us reach a wider range of people who could potentially help us. Unfortunately, it’s not just our neighbors who might see our pleas, there are also scammers, as one Virginia family found out.

    In this story, the family consists of a disabled mother with an adult daughter who is pregnant. They were looking for a home to rent and due to the mother’s disabilities, they were limited in their choices. They could not rent any property that required the mother to go up or down stairs. The mother posted her plea online that they were looking for a place to rent. This plea was posted to her area’s Craigslist.

    After she made her post, someone reached out almost immediately. They said that they had a property they were looking to rent out to someone and even gave them an address, so they could drive by the home. When the daughter spoke to the supposed landlord, he said that he needed money right away to have the city turn the water and plumbing right away.

    The landlord asked for $700 to be paid through Cash App under somebody else’s name. The daughter even said that didn’t feel right, as the money should go into a bank account. However, they were so desperate to find a roof over their heads, they ignored the red flags and sent the money anyway. Sadly, they sent their money to a scammer. They are now trying even harder to find a home, along with the financial burden of losing that money.

    I know it’s easier said than done, but even if you’re in dire straits, please do your research before sending any money to rent a home. Scammers are constantly looking for people on the down and out to take advantage of because they know the victim’s emotional state may make them vulnerable. The scammers have no qualms taking from people who have very little.

    As long as you have a working smartphone, which is most phones these days, you can research the property. If you do a quick Google search on the property’s address, you can find a lot of information about the property. That can include the actual rent price and the actual rental agency. And as always, we recommend going to the website or office of the county tax assessor, as they will have the records of who actually owns and rents the property.

    Also, never send money through apps like Cash App, Venmo, Zelle and the like. This makes it incredibly easy for scammers to take your money before blocking you and disappearing with your money.

    Lastly, scammers will always try to pressure you into making a decision right away. If you feel pressured, don’t be afraid to take your time researching and deciding. You may just save yourself the heartache of losing money to a scammer.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 29, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Are there more student loan forgiveness scams on the horizon? 

    Are there more student loan forgiveness scams on the horizon?

    By Greg Collier

    Student loan forgiveness scams are nothing new. However, experts are warning that we’re about to see a drastic increase in them. This is because the White House recently announced a debt forgiveness plan that will assist many in reducing or eliminating their student loan debt. But with any form of government assistance comes two things, confusion and red tape. It’s the confusion that will bring all manner of scammers out of the shadows.

    In the past, student debt scammers have texted, emailed, and called their victims offering to help reduce the remainder of the victim’s loan. Some scammers have even taken to social media messaging to try to lure victims into a false sense of security. Legitimate debt forgiveness programs will not contact you. You will have to contact them.

    There are a number of scams that these con artists can pull on a victim. There’s the advance fee scam, where the scammers will ask for an upfront payment before assisting someone. In reality, they’re just after the payment. If you qualify for the new student loan relief program, there is no fee associated with it. If someone promises they can help you get the government’s debt relief and asks for a fee, they’re trying to steal your money.

    Then there’s identity theft. Some scammers will be out to get your personal and financial information rather than a payment. It’s especially important not to give your Federal Student Aid ID to anyone who solicits you with an offer of assistance. This information can be used to steal your identity and could end up adding more debt than just your student loans.

    One of the best ways to protect yourself from these scams is to not accept offers from random strangers on the internet. You can also better protect yourself by not only learning if you qualify for the new program, but how the process works as well. CNBC has a great article on eligibility for the program, but you can also go to the Federal Government’s Student Aid website for further information.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 26, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Scam Round Up: Funeral scammers and more 

    Scam Round Up: Funeral scammers and more

    By Greg Collier

    It’s been a while since we had a scam round up. To any new readers, this is where we bring you a number of short scam stories. These stories usually can either be told quickly or are reminders of past scams.


    Earlier this month, we posted a story warning victims of floods to look out for scammers posing as FEMA agents. We also warned that scammers might also file FEMA claims in the victim’s name, while claiming any financial assistance for themselves.

    A report out of Kentucky, where floods recently devastated a portion of the state, says that flood victims are starting to see FEMA agents show up to their home when they never filed a claim. One victim had a FEMA claim filed under her maiden name and had FEMA agents show up to her home looking to make an inspection.

    If you think a FEMA claim might have been filed in your name, contact the FEMA helpline at 1-800-621-3362.


    Speaking of government agencies, Medicare is probably the most targeted agency when it comes to scammers. What makes it worse, is that the scammers need someone enrolled in Medicare to scam the government.

    The Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning about the latest Medicare scam targeting recipients. Scammers are calling Medicare recipients and offering them free COVID-19 tests. Scammers actually want the recipient’s Medicare information, so they can fraudulently bill Medicare for a service or item the insured never receive.

    Please keep in mind that free COVID tests are easily available through the USPS website and are available to anyone.


    Lastly, we think this story might just be the lowest we’ve ever seen scammers stoop, and that covers a lot of ground.

    Recently, a family from Illinois had to deal with the tragic loss of their 16-year-old son. When a tragedy like this makes the local news, it’s almost a guarantee that the GoFundMe scammers come out of the woodwork, and that’s exactly what happened. Fake GoFundMe pages started springing up claiming to be collecting for the family. But that wasn’t the worst thing that happened.

    According to the family, there were scammers who were physically at their son’s funeral collecting money from mourners, stating that they were collecting for the family. Thousands of dollars were allegedly collected by the scammers at the funeral.

    GoFundMe is actually pretty good when it comes to cracking down on scammers once notified. They’ve stated that the money given to the phony GFM pages has not been released to scammers and can be returned to anyone who donated.

    It’s a travesty that a family dealing with the loss of a child had to deal with such a disregard for human decency.

    Unfortunately, we don’t have a recommendation on how to keep scammers out of funeral. It seems like such a grim thought to think that a funeral might need security.


  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 25, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    No mailbox is safe from these scams 

    By Greg Collier

    Police in several Massachusetts communities are warning residents about sending checks through the mail. Reportedly, checks that are being sent in outgoing mail are being stolen. This has led to an increase in check washing. If you’re not familiar with check washing, it’s when someone steals a written check out of the mail and dips it in a solution of chemicals to remove the ink. The now blank check is rewritten, so the thief can cash it for themselves. The check is usually rewritten for a much higher amount than it was originally written for.

    Typically, these checks are stolen out of home mailboxes when someone puts out their outgoing mail for the mail carrier to pick up. However, some check thieves will even try their luck with the blue USPS mailboxes we’re all familiar with, even the ones outside the local post office. These thieves will attach something adhesive to the end of string and fish mail out of the mailbox, hoping to find an envelope with a check in it. If they do find a check, it will then be washed before trying to be cashed or deposited. One Massachusetts police department even says that washed checks are often deposited at ATMs, since the machines can’t tell whether a check has been washed or not.

    There are a number of ways to protect yourself from check thieves. One way is to switch to electronic payments for your bills. In some cases, you don’t have to have the payment taken out automatically every month. Another way is to take your mail and drop it off inside the post office itself. This way if you still wish to pay by check you can, and the thieves have much less of a chance to steal it. Lastly, if you write several checks a month, you should do a regular review of your bank accounts. A daily check is ideal, but if you can’t do that, a weekly review might suffice. This will allow you to contact your bank faster if one of your checks is cashed by an unauthorized recipient.

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