What Is the Evil Twin Attack Targeting Travelers?

What Is the Evil Twin Attack Targeting Travelers?

By Greg Collier

You might feel safe and relaxed while cruising at 35,000 feet, but there’s something you should be on the lookout for, even mid-flight. It’s a sneaky Wi-Fi scam known as the Evil Twin Attack. This old trick has resurfaced, now targeting airline passengers.

Recently, news outlets in Australia reported an arrest involving this very scam. Authorities claim that a man stole passengers’ personal information using a fake Wi-Fi network while they were on a flight. How did this happen? Let’s break it down.

Evil Twin Wi-Fi is a fake network that copies the name of a Wi-Fi you’ve used before and trust. Think of places like airports, hotels, or coffee shops where your phone or laptop automatically reconnects to the Wi-Fi without you even thinking about it. Scammers take advantage of this by creating a Wi-Fi network with the same name to trick your phone into connecting to their network instead.

In the Australian case, the alleged scammer took it a step further. He boarded multiple flights with a portable Wi-Fi hotspot that mimicked the name of the airport’s Wi-Fi. When the plane took off and passengers switched to airplane mode, their phones unknowingly connected to the imposter Wi-Fi, thinking they were back on the airport’s trusted network.

Once passengers connected, they were asked to log in using their social media or email passwords. If they did, they handed over sensitive information like usernames and passwords, which could easily be used for identity theft. Essentially, the scammer could pretend to be them online and access their accounts.

This may sound alarming, but there are simple ways to avoid falling victim to an Evil Twin Wi-Fi attack. One effective method is to delete any public networks your phone automatically reconnects to, such as those from airports, cafes, or libraries. By going into your Wi-Fi settings and removing these unnecessary networks, you can prevent your phone from connecting to potentially fake ones in the future.

Another smart precaution is to keep your Wi-Fi turned off when you’re not using it. Rather than leaving it on by default, only activate it when you are certain you’re connecting to a trusted network. This small habit can greatly reduce your risk.

Adding security software, like a virtual private network (VPN), is another protective measure. A VPN will encrypt your data, helping to ensure that even if you accidentally connect to a rogue network, your personal information most likely remains secure.

These adjustments are simple but can go a long way in keeping your data safe. As scams like this one become more common, especially in places like airports, staying alert and taking these precautions will help protect you, even at 35,000 feet!

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