Scammers Target Families with Funeral Scams

Scammers Target Families with Funeral Scams

By Greg Collier

Recently, two separate incidents have highlighted a disturbing trend: scammers are targeting grieving families, preying on their vulnerability during times of profound loss. These scams, which involve either phone calls or fake social media accounts, have surfaced in different parts of the country, exploiting the emotional weight of funeral arrangements to steal money.

In one case, a fake Facebook account was created in the name of a recently deceased Georgia police officer, falsely offering a livestream of the funeral service and soliciting donations. Investigators believe the scammer gathered information from the funeral home’s website to make the fraudulent account seem legitimate.

Another scam involved phone calls to families in Alabama who had recently lost a loved one. Posing as representatives of a funeral home, the callers demanded payment for services. In one instance, the scammer almost managed to steal a large sum before the family became suspicious and contacted the funeral home. Fortunately, no money was lost in this case, but the situation underscores the importance of vigilance during emotionally difficult times.

These incidents reveal how scammers manipulate personal information easily accessible online to exploit grieving families. Funeral homes have been quick to respond, ensuring that their clients know they will never request payment by phone or through social media. Unfortunately, tracking the culprits behind these scams is difficult, particularly when the calls or accounts originate from outside the country.

Families dealing with loss are encouraged to be cautious and report any suspicious activity to authorities immediately. Funeral homes are also reminding families to verify any communication they receive related to payments and to rely on established, secure methods for handling financial transactions.

These scams are not only financially damaging, but also emotionally devastating for families already coping with profound grief. It is essential to raise awareness about this troubling trend and to help protect those who may be at risk.

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