Virtual kidnapping scammers posing as schools

Virtual kidnapping scammers posing as schools

By Greg Collier

In a virtual kidnapping scam, fraudsters make deceptive phone calls to victims, claiming they have kidnapped a family member. They often play a recording of a distressed voice, creating panic. The scammer then threatens violence or death unless a quick ransom payment is made to them. Importantly, no actual kidnapping has occurred. It’s all manipulation and coercion.

In a recent alarming development, a Pennsylvania school district has issued a warning to parents and community members regarding a new version of the virtual kidnapping scam. This time, the scam involves perpetrators posing as school officials and claiming that a child has been abducted from school premises.

According to the Superintendent, the scam begins with a distressing phone call from a number resembling that of the school district. The caller starts the conversation with what appears to be the voice of the victim’s child, followed by an adult claiming that the child has been kidnapped from the school grounds. Adding to the sense of urgency, the scammer often incorporates background sounds of a child crying to heighten the emotional impact.

In a recent incident, a cautious parent confronted with this harrowing scenario maintained composure and promptly contacted the school. Fortunately, the school staff swiftly verified the child’s safety, reassuring the distressed parent and coordinating communication between them.

The key takeaway from this alarming episode is the importance of remaining calm and knowing how to respond if faced with a similar situation. There are crucial steps for individuals to take if they receive such a call.

Contact your child directly or reach out to the school to confirm their location and safety. Prompt verification is essential to dispel any doubts and ensure swift action if necessary.

If uncertainty persists or foul play is suspected, do not hesitate to contact emergency services by dialing 911. Time is of the essence in such situations, and swift intervention is vital to ensuring the safety of the child.

Parents can also take proactive measures to safeguard personal information by reviewing and adjusting privacy settings on social media accounts. Limiting the information accessible to potential scammers reduces the risk of falling victim to such fraudulent schemes.