The hidden mental toll inflicted on scam victims 

The hidden mental toll inflicted on scam victims

By Greg Collier

When discussing scam victims, it’s crucial to avoid questioning, “How could anyone fall for this?” Such judgmental language hinders victims from openly sharing their experiences. The reluctance of scam victims to come forward contributes to a growing pool of potential targets for scams. Often burdened by a sense of shame and embarrassment, these individuals already grapple with the aftermath of losing their money to scammers. Ridicule only exacerbates the mental toll on victims, pushing them to a point of extreme distress with no easy return.

For instance, a recent incident involved an elderly woman from Arizona who suffered a loss of $204,000 to scammers employing the pop-up window tactic. The fraudulent message claimed her computer had been compromised and provided a customer service number to address the issue. Upon calling the number, the scammers fabricated a story about someone attempting to withdraw $14,500 from her bank account. They instructed her to withdraw the money and deposit it into a Bitcoin ATM for enhanced security. She followed this procedure for 13 consecutive days, despite her bank’s attempts to caution her against the scam. The scammers manipulated her by forewarning that such warnings would come from her bank and insisted she keep the situation confidential due to an alleged hacking of ‘everything’.

Upon realizing she had fallen victim to the scam, the emotional toll on the victim was profound, leading her to a dark and challenging place. Struggling in silence for months with the weight of her secret, she reached a point where she contemplated taking her own life. It was only after reaching out to a crisis hotline that she found a lifeline. Eventually, she summoned the courage to confide in her son and a few trusted friends about the distressing ordeal.

Scam victims should take several crucial steps when faced with such a distressing situation. It’s essential to connect with friends, family, or a support network. Sharing the experience can provide emotional relief and valuable perspectives. Report the scam to the local authorities or the relevant law enforcement agency. Providing details can contribute to ongoing investigations and help prevent further scams. Share your experience to raise awareness and prevent others from falling victim to similar scams. Awareness is crucial in combating fraud.

Supporting scam victims is crucial, and there are several ways others can provide assistance. Be empathetic and understanding. Scam victims often experience feelings of shame and embarrassment, so providing a non-judgmental and supportive environment is essential. Encourage the victim to report the scam to law enforcement, relevant authorities, and consumer protection agencies. Reporting helps in tracking and preventing future scams. Share the victim’s experience (with their consent) to raise awareness about common scams. This can help educate others and prevent them from falling victim to similar schemes. Help the victim find support groups or online communities where they can share experiences with others who have faced similar situations. This can provide a sense of camaraderie and understanding. If the victim is experiencing severe emotional distress, encourage them to seek professional help from mental health professionals or crisis hotlines.

By offering practical assistance, emotional support, and raising awareness, individuals can play a vital role in helping scam victims recover and preventing others from falling victim to similar schemes.

Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.