Are religious apps taking advantage of the faithful?

Are religious apps taking advantage of the faithful?

Even some of the oldest religions in the world have taken advantage of the digital revolution. Now, instead of carrying their religious texts with them everywhere many religious practitioners now use digital apps instead. With these apps, passages of inspiration and guidance are just at the tip of their fingers. There are legitimate apps dedicated to whatever religion you may choose to practice. However, that doesn’t mean that every religious app should be trusted as some try to be all-knowing but not in a good way.

CNET recently did an expose on a number of religious apps in the Google Play Store. It was discovered that religious apps potentially contain more malware than gambling apps. Some of these apps request privacy permissions from users that go above and beyond what any app should be asking for with at least one app sharing personal information with Facebook. These privacy-invading apps do not discriminate as they can be found in apps dedicated to most major religions.


People who practice a religion tend to trust other practitioners of that faith a little more than others. However, there have always been those looking to take advantage of that kindness and faith. While such faith in our fellow man is to be commended there is no shame in being somewhat cynical when it comes to those looking to make a buck or two off of your devotion. While many of these apps purport to make you stronger in your faith, the devil is truly in the details.