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  • Geebo 8:00 am on June 27, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    How a pizza can steal your vacation money 

    How a pizza can steal your vacation money

    By Greg Collier

    As summer vacation season is upon us, it’s important to be aware of potential scams targeting travelers. Consumer watchdog groups have identified two prevalent schemes that prey on people staying in hotels. By being aware of these tactics, you can protect yourself and your finances from fraudsters.

    Imagine this: after a long day of sightseeing, you return to your hotel room hungry and tired. You find a flyer under your door advertising a nearby pizza place or room service menu. It seems convenient, so you call the number to place an order. However, instead of a delicious pizza, you get scammed.

    This scam involves criminals distributing fake flyers with enticing offers. When you call to order, they take your credit card information, but never deliver the food. Instead, they use your credit card details for fraudulent purchases.

    Here are some steps to avoid such a scam. Hotels typically provide information about nearby restaurants at the front desk or in the room’s welcome packet. Use Google to check if the pizza place is legitimate. Ensure the phone number matches the one listed online. If you’re ordering room service, use the button on your room phone to connect directly to the hotel’s service, rather than relying on unsolicited flyers.

    Another common scam targets hotel guests with a late-night phone call, usually around 3 a.m. The caller, pretending to be from the front desk, claims there’s an issue with your reservation or payment information. They ask you to confirm your credit card details to resolve the problem immediately.

    The goal is to catch you off guard while you’re half-asleep, hoping you’ll provide your credit card information without thinking.

    If you receive a call like this, use the hotel phone in your room to contact the front desk and verify if there’s really an issue. More than likely, the front desk will tell you there is no issue.

    You can also tell the caller you’ll address the problem at the front desk during normal hours. This tactic buys you time to think clearly and thwarts the scammer’s plan.

    Consumer watchdogs recommend never giving out credit card or personal information to someone who contacts you unsolicited. Here are some additional tips to stay safe.

    Use a credit card with fraud protection. In case your information is stolen, having robust fraud protection can help mitigate the damage. Keep an eye on your statements. Regularly check your bank and credit card statements for any unauthorized transactions. Stay informed. Being aware of common scams can help you recognize suspicious activity and avoid becoming a victim.

    Vacations are meant for relaxation and enjoyment, not dealing with the aftermath of a scam. By following these guidelines, you can protect yourself from common hotel scams and ensure your trip remains memorable for all the right reasons.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 21, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Scammer stalks victim through pizza delivery 

    Scammer stalks victim through pizza delivery

    By Greg Collier

    Two of the many things we try to hammer home about scammers is they will stoop to any length to scam someone, and once they find a victim, they’ll try to scam them again. We’ve seen scammers show up at funerals pretending to collect money for the deceased. We’ve also seen scammers pose as the families of crime victims, so they can open a GoFundMe account to attempt to garner donations. In other scams, we’ve seen scammers that repeatedly set out to fleece the same victim after they were successfully scammed. Today’s story has a little bit of both of those aspects of scams within it.

    An elderly man had been scammed for thousands of dollars. While there aren’t details on what scam it was, there’s enough evidence to suggest it was the grandparent scam. The local sheriff’s office tried to help the man from being scammed again. They suggested he turn off his cell phone, and the man also changed his landline phone number.

    The scammer had so much information about the man that the scammer knew the pizza parlor the man liked to order from. The scammer then had a pizza delivered to the man’s home. The scammer also had a note included with the pizza asking the man to call his ‘grandson’ with the scammer’s phone number attached.

    In this South Carolina county alone, over $1.3 million has been lost to scams in the past year. That amount is probably even more if you consider the losses that weren’t reported. According to the sheriff’s office, arrests are few and far between, and it becomes more a plan of defense rather than one of apprehension. They also say that the best way to prevent yourself from becoming the victim of a scam is time. Essentially, don’t give out any money or information without taking some time to assess the situation first.

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