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  • Geebo 9:00 am on January 21, 2025 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , direct deposit, paycheck scam,   

    New Jersey Employers Hit by Deposit Scam 

    New Jersey Employers Hit by Deposit Scam

    By Greg Collier

    A concerning scam targeting employers has recently surfaced in New Jersey, with several companies falling victim to fraudulent direct deposit change requests. While this scheme has been reported in Middlesex County, its nature suggests it could happen anywhere, making it a warning for businesses and employees nationwide.

    The scam operates through deceptive emails sent to employers, requesting changes to an employee’s direct deposit account. These emails often appear authentic, containing accurate details like the employee’s name, address, and social security number. This level of detail makes the requests seem legitimate, but a closer look at the sender’s email often reveals fraudulent origins.

    Once the employer processes the request, payroll funds are deposited into a new account controlled by the scammers, who withdraw the money almost immediately. In these cases, urgency was a recurring theme, with the fraudulent emails pressuring employers to act quickly without additional verification.

    This scam highlights a universal vulnerability in payroll systems. Employers everywhere should consider implementing stronger safeguards to verify any direct deposit change requests. Best practices include requiring in-person confirmation or using a verified phone number to authenticate the request. A dual-verification system can serve as a critical defense against unauthorized account changes.

    Employees also have a role in protecting their financial security. Regularly monitoring payroll deposits and immediately reporting discrepancies to employers and law enforcement can help limit the impact of fraudulent activity.

    This situation highlights the importance of secure communication in protecting sensitive payroll information. While the scam has been identified in New Jersey, its potential to occur elsewhere serves as a warning to businesses and workers everywhere to remain alert and proactive.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on April 22, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , paycheck scam,   

    Paychecks, DNA tests, and Newscasters: Your latest scams 

    Paychecks, DNA tests, and Newscasters: Your latest scams

    Today, we have three new scams for you to be aware of on this Monday morning.

    This first one is more out of your hands and could be targeting your HR department. Overseas scammers are now posing as employees of a company and trying to get HR departments to reroute an employee’s direct deposit for their paycheck. They’re also posing as company CEOs and CFOs in urgent need of changing their direct deposit as well. The scams are all done through email with email addresses that come from outside the company. Most companies are wise to this scam but if you have a small company you may want to let your HR person know to be aware of this particular scam.

    The next scam involves medical DNA testing. Authorities are warning people that seniors are being targeted in this scam where people are offering to perform medical screening DNA tests. They’re not trying to steal your family’s DNA but instead are looking to gather enough information to steal your family member’s identity. In other aspects of the scam, these phony DNA testers are looking to bill Medicare and Medicaid for unneeded medical tests. The scammers will pose as legitimate medical companies but you shouldn’t take part in these tests unless done by a professional your doctor has referred you to.

    Our last scam for today comes to us from the Raleigh, North Carolina area where residents have been receiving texts and phishing emails claiming to be from a local newscaster. The messages state that the recipient has won a contest but in order to claim the prize they would need to purchase $200 in various gift cards then send a picture of the cards back to the person who sent the message. This is just another twist on the gift card scam where scammers try to pressure you into sending them the serial number on gift cards so they can drain the money from the cards and leave you out of a substantial sum of money.

    Hopefully, none of these scams will find their way to you, but if they do now you’re prepared.

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