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  • Geebo 9:00 am on November 10, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Don’t get scammed shopping for the must-have toys 

    Don't get scammed shopping for the must-have toys

    By Greg Collier

    We didn’t want to start talking about Christmas shopping yet, either. But if you want to get one of the must-have toys of the season for your kids or your grandkids, you probably want to get a jump on things now. Plus, it’s better to be aware of how the scams work now before it’s too late into the holiday season.

    Scammers love to take advantage of items that are in high demand. If they’re not scalping the item for an exorbitant mark-up, they’re selling knock-offs, or not selling anything at all.

    When items are in high demand, scammers will set up websites that look like they’re a legitimate marketplace where you can buy these items. They’ll often advertise the items at below-market value to entice customers to their website, typically on social media. Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest is where you’ll usually find these ads.

    If you go to one of these websites thinking you’re getting a deal on these toys, you’ll be mistaken. What typically happens is either the scammers will send you a cheap imitation of the toy you’re looking for, or they’ll take your money and disappear.

    There are ways to protect yourself from these Grinches. Try to stick to reputable and known retailers. If you think you’ve found a deal from an unknown retailer, do a Google search on the name of the retailer along with the words ‘scam’, ‘complaints’, and ‘reviews’. This should give you a good indication if the retailer is legitimate.

    You should also do a whois search on the retailer’s domain name. This should let you know when the website was created and where it’s located. You’ll probably want to avoid any retailers from overseas.

    Even if you’re using a reputable retailer’s website, be on the lookout for third-party sellers. On the item’s listing, it should tell you who the item is being sold by. Again, do a Google search on the company to check for complaints.

    Lastly, always use a credit card when buying online if you can. Credit cards offer more protection than other forms of payment that can be used online, and it will be easier to dispute a transaction if you’ve been scammed.

  • Geebo 12:01 pm on November 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    The must have holiday toys are already gone 

    The must have holiday toys are already gone

    It seems that the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier each year and with it always come the ‘must have’ item of the season. Visiting the ghosts of Christmas Past some of us might remember the Tickle Me Elmo craze of the 1990s or the Cabbage Patch Kid rush of the 1980s. The 2010s are no exception as this years most wanted toy is a questionably cute toy called a Hatchimal.

    Hatchimals come in the shape of egg, the more a child plays with it the more the toy ‘matures’, eventually growing into a toddler version of itself. While it normally retails for $60 some people who we’ll refer to as Grinches, have been selling the toys at a steep profit climbing into the four figure range. Another item that’s been flying off the shelves is the the Nintendo NES Classic which we featured here.

    So what happens if you can’t get the hot toy of the year? Some experts believe that this would be a good life lesson for your child and will eventually make them less greedy and more appreciative of the gifts they do receive. Others suggest getting your child ‘an experience’ rather than a toy that they’ll eventually get bored with.

    So even if you don’t get the hot ticket item this year there are still many ways for you and your family to have a joyous holiday season.

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