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  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 24, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , marketing,   

    Car Wrap Scam: A Costly Tempting Offer 

    Car Wrap Scam: A Costly Tempting Offer

    By Greg Collier

    A deceptive scam has been quietly circulating for years, continuing to claim unsuspecting victims. It begins with what seems like a straightforward offer, get paid for letting a company advertise on your car while you drive around. The idea of easy money might be appealing, but this so-called opportunity is actually a financial trap that could leave you thousands of dollars in debt.

    The scam typically starts with an ad online, offering to turn your vehicle into a rolling billboard. The pitch is simple: allow a company to wrap your car with their brand, and you’ll be paid weekly for just driving around as you normally would. The promise of several hundred dollars per week for a few months can seem irresistible.

    Once you respond to the offer, you receive a check for a few thousand dollars, with instructions to deposit it and wire part of the money to an installer who will wrap your vehicle. This is where the real scam begins. The check is fake, but by the time your bank realizes this, you’ve already wired the scammer the money, leaving you on the hook for the full amount. Sometimes, they even ask for payment in gift cards, a hallmark of scam operations because of the difficulty in tracing them.

    It’s easy to see how this scam claims victims. The checks are often convincing, and the idea of making quick, easy money can be appealing. However, like many scams, it preys on trust and the desire for financial gain, leaving victims not only out of pocket but potentially dealing with bounced check fees and other financial fallout.

    Avoid becoming a victim by steering clear of similar unsolicited offers, and always be cautious when asked to deposit a check and send money or gift cards in return.

    Remember, no legitimate business will ever ask you to pay for services like vehicle wrapping in advance or request payment through gift cards. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Stay informed, and always verify opportunities before parting with your money.

  • Geebo 10:15 am on January 2, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , make money on Amazon, marketing   

    It’s not that easy to make money on Amazon 

    It's not that easy to make money on Amazon

    Have you ever come across an ad online that poses as an employment ad promising that you can make money beyond your wildest dreams? Usually, these ads are for Multi Level Marketing schemes or MLMs. MLMs usually require you to buy a certain amount of the product they’re trying to sell and then you have to not only try to sell the product but you have to try to get your friends to become marketers too. What these MLMs don’t tell you is that it’s almost mathematically impossible to get people underneath you on the MLM ladder to recruit more marketers. Now there’s a newer ploy that borrows heavily from MLMs and involves the biggest online retailer in the world, Amazon.

    According to The Atlantic, there is a cottage industry of people who want to teach you how to make incredulous wealth by becoming a third-party seller on Amazon. These classes are said to teach you how to sell cheap products made in China on Amazon for a huge markup. These so-called Amazon entrepreneurs often display the money they’ve made off of Amazon and imply that you can make the same kind of money. In reality, they’re usually more interested in getting you to sign up for their classes which can be priced in the thousands of dollars. If you search YouTube for how to make money on Amazon, you’ll find scores of videos like this.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xbzdWNoAoQ%5D

    Much like the MLMs, these Amazon whisperers like to target people who are desperate to make a large amount of money quickly. Now to be fair, it is possible to make money on Amazon this way, however, it’s a very risky venture that could cause you to sink more money into the process and not see a lot of return. When dealing with any kind of financial investment you should never risk more than you can afford to lose since there are no guarantees that the investment will be successful. If you’re struggling to make ends meet then something like this is not for you as it requires a hefty initial investment of money that you probably can’t afford to lose. Remember, there really is no such thing as getting rich quick.

  • Geebo 11:32 am on November 16, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , book, Designed by Apple in California, marketing   

    Apple releasing $300 picture book of Apple products 

    Apple releasing $300 picture book of Apple products

    There’s no question that Apple is a master of marketing. They have carefully cultivated a devout group of followers that will wait in line for every product they sell. Considering that the return of a peach emoji that looks like a human backside to iOS is newsworthy means that they have a highly dedicated fan base. Now would probably be a good time to point out that the word ‘fan’ is short for fanatic.

    Now it seems that Apple is really counting on their fanatics out there as they are releasing a $300 picture book that contains 450 pictures of nothing but Apple products. The book, entitled ‘Designed by Apple in California’, is also bound and linen and in true Apple style will come in 3 separate sizes.

    Is this something that you think is worth buying or is Apple the new P.T. Barnum? How long will it be before Apple charges for the Apple Egress?

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