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  • Geebo 8:00 am on October 7, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    How Homes and Land are Stolen 

    By Greg Collier

    Recently, two alarming cases have come to light, revealing how easily real estate fraud can target homeowners and landowners across the country. These incidents, involving stolen properties in different Massachusetts towns, underscore the growing threat of fraudulent schemes in the real estate sector, a problem that can affect anyone, anywhere.

    In one case, a couple who had owned a piece of vacant land for decades discovered that it had been sold without their knowledge. Despite their long-term plans to build a home there, thieves impersonated the owners, forged identification documents, and initiated a sale. By the time the true owners found out, the property had been sold at a price far below market value, and new buyers were already building on it.

    In another case, a homeowner was nearly defrauded when a purchase agreement was drawn up for his home without his consent. A potential buyer from out of the country had supposedly agreed to buy the house in an all-cash transaction. Fortunately, the homeowner was warned by an attorney before the sale could go through, but the fraudsters didn’t give up easily, continuing their attempts to seize the property.

    These scams highlight a critical point, real estate fraud can happen anywhere, in any community. Both urban and rural areas are vulnerable, whether the target is a vacant lot or a family home. Fraudsters exploit the anonymity of property ownership, especially when the owners are not physically present or have limited oversight of the property.

    The methods used are often shockingly simple. Criminals forge documents, create counterfeit IDs, and manipulate digital records to push fraudulent transactions through. With the rise of electronic documentation and remote transactions, it’s easier than ever for scammers to exploit gaps in the system. Owners may only discover what has happened when it’s too late, as in the case of the couple who lost their land.

    These cases also show how scammers are becoming bolder, even sending professionals like engineers or real estate agents to the property, lending credibility to their schemes. Without constant vigilance, homeowners and landowners are left vulnerable to losing their assets without realizing it.

    Preventing these kinds of scams requires a proactive approach. Monitoring property records is essential, and many registries of deeds now offer notification systems that alert owners to any changes made to their property records. Additionally, staying in contact with legal professionals when engaging in real estate transactions can help catch red flags early.

    Ultimately, the increasing number of these fraud cases highlights the need for greater awareness and caution in real estate dealings. Whether it’s vacant land or a home in a quiet neighborhood, no property is immune to these sophisticated scams. As these cases show, what happened in Massachusetts could happen anywhere.

  • Geebo 9:00 am on March 2, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , land scam, , ,   

    Scammers will sell the land out from under you 

    Scammers will sell the land out from under you

    By Greg Collier

    There are any told number of real estate scams. The most common one has to be the rental scam. This is when scammers will advertise a home for rent even though they don’t own the property. This is done so the scammer can obtain money from their victims in the guise of rent or deposits. The rental scam has led to many families being left homeless after losing the last of their money to the scammer.

    More recently, there has been a new real estate scam that’s making the rounds. It’s not as common as the rental scam, but its victims could still suffer from devastating financial effects. Real estate scammers are now targeting vacant lots. It doesn’t matter whether the lot is for sale or not, scammers will try to sell it as if they own it. This could lead to not only the buyer being swindled out of thousands of dollars, but it could also leave legitimate owners with a nightmare of a legal battle.

    So, how are scammers getting away with this? Not to give them any credit, but they’re really putting in the work on this one. When the scammers find a vacant property with no construction on it, they’ll find out who the owner is. This can be found out through publicly available information. The scammers will steal the identity of the owner and forge identification in the owner’s name. This way, the scammers can list the property for sale with a realtor while appearing to be the owner. Often, the scammers won’t even be in the same area as the lot or the realtor, and will typically communicate through means like emails and text messages.

    There were two reported incidents of this scam happening this week. One happened in New Orleans before the owner was notified by a friend. The other happened in the Washington, DC area, where the buyers realized it was a scam after the seller was unable to answer questions about the property.

    To protect yourself, it’s recommended for buyers to get title insurance. This protects buyers from losing money in a phony sale. For owner’s it’s not so easy. In their case, they have to trust that the local realtors do enough research, so they won’t list a lot for sale that isn’t.

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