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  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 23, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bank collapse, , , , ,   

    Banker Who Fell Victim to Scam Gets Prison Time 

    Banker Who Fell Victim to Scam Gets Prison Time

    By Greg Collier

    Last year, we brought you the story of a rural Kansas bank that collapsed after the Bank’s CEO fell victim to the pig butchering scam. The pig butchering scam involves a scammer persuading a victim to invest in cryptocurrency using a fake exchange. The victim is then shown that their initial investment has grown significantly. However, when they attempt to withdraw their funds, they are informed that an additional fee, often as large as the original investment, must be paid first.

    A federal judge recently sentenced the 53-year-old bank CEO to 24 years in prison after it was determined the CEO embezzled bank funds while still believing he could get the returns on his investments.

    As was mentioned in the previous post, the CEO even asked a friend and client for a $12 million loan, so the CEO could get his personal money out of the cryptocurrency investment. The friend was even assured by the CEO that the initial investment wasn’t made with the bank’s money. Since then, details have been made public where the friend warned the CEO that the investments were a scam and that he should walk away from it.

    The CEO did not take his friend’s advice, and in his pursuit of profit, continued to send money to his scammers. However, before long, he was wiring bank funds to the scammers. When the friend heard from bank employees that the CEO was wiring money overseas, the friend went to the bank’s board to try to put a stop to it. Before it was all over, the CEO had embezzled $47.1 million.

    Anyone can fall victim to a scam, regardless of their education, experience, or financial savvy. Scammers are highly skilled at exploiting vulnerabilities, preying on trust, greed, or desperation. They use sophisticated tactics to create a sense of urgency, promising quick and substantial returns on investments that seem too good to pass up. Once a victim is hooked, they are gradually drawn deeper into the scam, often believing that just one more payment will unlock the profits they were promised. The allure of easy money can cloud judgment, leading even those in trusted positions to make increasingly irrational decisions.

    These scams can easily turn a victim into a criminal. When personal funds run dry, desperation sets in, and victims may resort to unethical or illegal actions to recover their losses. They might embezzle money, falsify documents, or deceive others to gather more funds, all in the hope of finally reaping the rewards they were promised. What began as a mistake can spiral into a series of criminal acts, driven by the delusion that success is just around the corner. This transformation from victim to perpetrator highlights how dangerous and insidious these scams can be, not just financially but morally as well.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on September 28, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bank collapse, , , ,   

    Bank closes after falling to crypto scam 

    Bank closes after falling to crypto scam

    By Greg Collier

    A small but successful bank in Southwestern Kansas recently closed its doors after losing $12 million to a cryptocurrency scam. It was one of only two banks in its rural Kansas town, and its loss could be devastating to the local community’s economy. The bank was known for working with farmers in the community who may no longer have that resource available to them. Thankfully, the bank’s customers are protected mostly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), bank shareholders are left holding the bag. So, what scam caused the bank to collapse? It’s believed to have been the pig butchering scam.

    The pig butchering scam is when a scammer convinces their victim to invest in cryptocurrency through a phony exchange. The victim will be led to believe their initial investment has exponentially grown. However, when the victim tries to withdraw their money from the exchange, they’ll be told they need to pay an additional fee, which can be as much as the initial investment.

    Typically, we discuss the pig butchering scam as a version of the romance scam, but it doesn’t have to always be so salacious. It can be as simple as someone you’ve recently met suggesting you should invest in cryptocurrency.

    It’s unclear if that’s what happened in the Kansas town, since the bank’s collapse is still under investigation. However, what is known is that the bank’s CEO allegedly asked a client for a $12 million loan, so he could get his money out of a cryptocurrency investment. The client was said to be assured that the investment wasn’t made with the bank’s money. The CEO is said to have told his client he ‘knew someone’ who was helping him invest in crypto, but there was an issue with the payment, and he needed to put more money back in. Again, we can’t say for sure, but this sounds like the typical script for the pig butchering scam.

    The bank CEO was no shady dealer either. He was a known pillar of the community who was trusted by clients and customers alike. If we had to hazard a guess, it sounds like someone got into his ear and tricked him into the scam. Unfortunately, it was to the tune of $12 million.

    The point to this blog post is twofold. The first is, no matter who you are and how experienced you are in your respective field, anyone can fall for a scam. The second is that scams can not only have a devastating personal effect, but can devastate a community if someone isn’t careful.

    The crypto world is crazy enough without scammers trying to take your money. Only dive into crypto if you’ve done your homework. If someone you’ve never met face-to-face starts pushing you to invest with their so-called “expert” advice, chances are they’re not legit.

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