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  • Geebo 8:00 am on March 12, 2025 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bait and switch, , , ,   

    Missing Police Officer Scam Goes Viral 

    Missing Police Officer Scam Goes Viral

    By Greg Collier

    Social media has become a powerful tool for spreading information, but it has also become a breeding ground for deception. In Jacksonville, North Carolina, police recently confirmed that a viral Facebook post about a missing officer was nothing more than a scam. The post falsely claimed that a female officer disappeared and was in need of medical assistance. However, authorities quickly debunked the claim, stating that no such officer exists in their department. The name in question closely resembles that of a real officer from another state, who is completely fine.

    What makes this scam particularly troubling is its widespread reach. Similar posts have surfaced across the country, appearing as far as California and Georgia. They all follow the same pattern: an alarming story designed to stir emotions and prompt immediate action. People see the post, feel compelled to share it, and unknowingly help scammers spread their deception even further.

    This particular hoax is part of a larger trend of scams that manipulate public concern by fabricating urgent, distressing stories. In the past, similar tactics have been used with fake reports of missing children, lost pets, and even claims of dangerous criminals lurking in neighborhoods. The goal is always the same, to generate widespread attention and engagement. Once a post goes viral, scammers will often edit it to include fraudulent links, requests for money, or even malware designed to steal personal information.

    Authorities and consumer protection agencies warn social media users to be cautious before sharing such posts. Hallmarks of these scams include comments being disabled, vague details that don’t align with official reports, and the absence of verification from reputable news sources or law enforcement. A quick reverse image search or a visit to the official pages of police departments and news outlets can often expose the falsehood before it gains traction.

    As scammers continue to evolve their tactics, public vigilance remains the best defense. While it’s natural to want to help in an emergency, taking a moment to verify information before sharing can prevent further spread of misinformation and protect individuals from falling victim to fraud. The digital age has made it easier than ever to stay informed, but it has also made it essential to question what we see before passing it along.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 7, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bait and switch, , found child, , , ,   

    Fake posts about the missing and found children 

    Fake posts about the missing and found children

    By Greg Collier

    In the digital age, social media platforms like Facebook have become prime targets for scammers looking to exploit users’ emotions and trust. Recently, two types of fraudulent posts have been making the rounds: one featuring a missing elderly woman holding a Yoda toy and the other showing ‘found child’ images. Both scams aim to manipulate users into sharing the posts, ultimately serving malicious purposes.

    The missing elderly woman scam involves posts about a woman with dementia, often seen holding a Yoda toy, circulating across Facebook, primarily in local buy-and-sell groups. These posts claim that the woman appeared at the poster’s house, supposedly taking the toy from their child. Each post urges users to flood their feeds to help find her family. However, these posts are nothing more than a bait-and-switch scam. The locations mentioned in these posts, such as Surprise, Arizona, and Cagliari, Italy, are inconsistent, which is a hallmark of such scams. A reverse image search reveals that the photo has been circulating since at least 2020, with different captions, none indicating the woman is missing. Scammers initially lure users with an emotional appeal, then change the post to contain links to malicious sites or deceptive rental ads.

    Similarly, the found child scam involves false posts appearing on Facebook, as warned by the Fort Smith Police Department (FSPD) in Arkansas. These posts use fake images of distressed or injured children, asking the public for help in sharing the post. Despite attempts to report them, many of these posts remain active due to Facebook’s reporting system limitations. Scammers aim to gather likes and shares, boosting their profiles through Facebook’s algorithms. By turning off comments, they prevent users from exposing the truth about the posts. Such posts cause unnecessary alarm and distress, prompting police to urge the public not to share them.

    To protect yourself, verify the credibility of the source before sharing any post about missing persons or found children. Check the poster’s profile for any red flags, such as recently created accounts or inconsistent location details. Conduct a reverse image search to see if the image has appeared elsewhere on the internet with different contexts or stories. Be cautious of posts containing links, especially those generated with URL shorteners, as they may lead to malicious sites. Report suspicious posts; even though reporting may not always be effective, the more reports a post receives, the higher the chance it will be reviewed and removed.

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