Beware the Too-Good-to-Be-True Online Deal

By Greg Collier

According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), about 50% of people who lose money in online shopping scams do so because the deal seemed irresistible. The problem often arises when you think you’re purchasing from a trusted site, like Amazon, but you’re actually on a fake website designed to look like the real thing.

These fake sites can be deceivingly similar to legitimate ones. Scammers know that if they can create a website that looks just like Amazon or any other well-known retailer, they can trick you into handing over your money. But there are ways to spot these fakes if you know what to look for.

First, closely examine the URL of the site you’re on. Real Amazon’s URL is simple, it’s However, scammers use lookalike URLs which might look convincing at first glance but are actually traps. For legitimate websites, the brand name should be directly followed by .com or whatever the top-level domain (TLD) it is they use. If you see a hyphen, additional words, or anything else between the brand name and the TLD, you’re likely dealing with a scam.

You might wonder how scammers manage to make these fake sites look so real. It turns out there are two main ways. Cybercriminals can buy phishing kits that allow them to replicate the look and feel of popular brands’ websites. These kits are cheap and widely available, making it easy for scammers to create convincing fakes.

Scammers can also purchase domain names that resemble legitimate sites. They can register these names with minimal oversight, which allows them to create URLs that look legitimate but lead you straight into their traps.

The next time you’re shopping online and come across a deal that seems too good to be true, take a moment to scrutinize the URL. Make sure it’s a legitimate site before entering any personal information. In today’s digital age, a little caution can go a long way in protecting yourself from scams.

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