Toll text scams continue across the country

Toll text scams continue across the country

By Greg Collier

Across the nation, drivers are increasingly becoming targets of sophisticated scam texts and emails claiming to collect unpaid tolls. These fraudulent messages exploit the routine nature of toll payments to trick recipients into making payments to fake websites. As this issue grows more prevalent, it highlights the importance of being vigilant and informed to avoid falling victim to these scams.

In New York, many residents have reported receiving text messages that appear to be from New York toll services. The messages warn of an unpaid toll invoice and threaten an additional charge of $150 if the alleged balance of $5.89 is not paid promptly. The scam directs users to a fraudulent website that closely mimics the official site.

Residents have been sharing their experiences on social media, helping to raise awareness. The New York State Thruway Authority has been actively warning about this “smishing” scam on its social media platforms and website. They advise anyone receiving such messages to verify their toll accounts directly through official channels and report suspicious messages to the FBI.

Similarly, the Ohio Turnpike and other toll-road agencies in the northeastern United States are dealing with a surge of fraudulent texts and emails. These messages claim to be from Ohio Turnpike Tolls Services and instruct recipients to pay $9.75 via a fake website to avoid additional charges of $97.50.

Many recipients are not even Ohio Turnpike customers, highlighting the broad reach of this scam. The Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission has clarified that they only use paper invoices sent via U.S. Mail for unpaid tolls. Emails are sent solely to E-ZPass tag holders regarding account status, such as insufficient funds or credit card issues. They never use text messaging to solicit payments.

Always verify the source of any message asking for payment by using official websites or contacting customer service directly. Look for red flags, like incorrect URLs or unexpected payment requests. Avoid clicking on links in unsolicited messages, and navigate to official websites by typing the address into your browser. Report any suspicious messages to the relevant authorities and follow updates from official toll agencies on social media and their websites to stay informed about ongoing scams. By remaining vigilant and informed, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these scams. When in doubt, verify the message through official channels before taking any action.

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