Crypto recovery scams torment victims says FBI

Crypto recovery scams torment victims

By Greg Collier

The rapid expansion of cryptocurrency has brought with it a growing number of scams. In response to this alarming trend, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued warnings about an increase in fraudulent schemes where criminals pose as law firms or legal representatives offering to help victims recover lost digital assets.

Fraudsters, often posing as lawyers from fictitious law firms, reach out to victims via social media, email, or other messaging platforms. They claim to have special authorization to investigate and recover funds lost in cryptocurrency investment scams. To appear legitimate, these so-called lawyers assert that they are collaborating with well-known government agencies such as the FBI or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), or they might reference real financial institutions and money exchanges.

Victims, desperate to recover their lost funds, are duped into providing sensitive personal information, paying upfront fees, or even covering nonexistent taxes and additional fees purportedly associated with the recovery of their funds.

If you’ve been the target of a cryptocurrency scam, or any other type of scam, it might be wise to refrain from discussing your experience on social media. Scammers specializing in recovery frauds actively search for individuals who have been previously scammed. It’s common for our blog posts or social media updates about scams to attract comments from individuals pretending to be victims who claim they successfully retrieved their funds through a recovery service. These comments are often another layer of the scam, aiming to lure in more victims.

If someone unknown contacts you while claiming they can recover your stolen cryptocurrency, be extremely cautious. Do not divulge personal or financial information, and avoid sending any money.

Remember, legitimate law enforcement agencies do not charge fees to investigate crimes. If you are approached by someone claiming to be affiliated with agencies like the FBI, consider verifying their identity through official channels.

Treat unsolicited offers with suspicion, especially those that promise guaranteed returns or claim to recover lost funds for a fee.

If you suspect that you have been targeted by a scam or have already fallen victim, it is crucial to report the incident. The FBI encourages anyone affected to file a detailed report with the IC3 at, including as much information as possible about the contact method, the identity of the fraudster, and any financial transactions that occurred.

As technology evolves, so do the tactics of those looking to exploit it. The latest alerts from the FBI serve as a critical reminder of the importance of diligence in the face of offers that seem too good to be true. Always exercise caution and prioritize the security of your personal and financial information to avoid falling prey to these sophisticated scams.