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  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 2, 2019 Permalink | Reply
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    Will your car be stolen? 

    Will your car be stolen?

    The Highway Loss Data Institute recently released its list of the most stolen cars in America for the model years of 2016-2018. Dodges top the list as the Charger Hemi and the Challenger SRT top the list which is not surprising considering muscle cars are always a hot target of thieves. The Infiniti Q Series is next on the list due to their luxury features. The rest of the list seems to be packed with pickup trucks from all the major brands as the high cost of more modern trucks make them very lucrative for thieves.

    The HLDI also released the least stolen cars in America for the same model years and it seems that electric-powered vehicles are among the least stolen. Tesla Models S and X sit at numbers 2 and 3 on the list as Teslas are more often than not are in well-lit areas close to buildings where they need to be charged. The BMW 3 Series is the least stolen as it only had one reported theft for insured vehicles.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4I4OyhqyqM%5D

    After these cars are stolen they are often either sold for parts or illegally shipped to foreign countries where these models may not be widely available. A number of these cars are being stolen because car owners are said to be leaving their wireless keyfobs in the car which allows thieves to start some of these vehicles since they have keyless ignitions. If you own one of the most stolen vehicles, it could end up costing you even more in insurance premiums. A copy of HLDI’s lists of most and least stolen cars can be found here.

  • Geebo 8:00 am on August 1, 2019 Permalink | Reply
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    Will Canadian drugs reduce healthcare costs? 

    Will Canadian drugs reduce healthcare costs?

    If you’ve been following healthcare news for the past few years you’ve no doubt heard the stories of skyrocketing prescription drug costs. Whether it’s the life-saving EpiPen, alleged price-fixing between pharmaceutical manufacturers or exorbitant fees for insulin it hasn’t been the best time for consumers who rely on any kind of prescription medication. The current pharmaceutical market seems to be stifling innovation and competition for the sake of larger and larger profits while many Americans continue to go without their medication. Now the Trump Administration, of all people, is proposing a new way of reducing the cost of prescription drugs.

    President Trump is said to be drafting a proposal that would allow the U.S. to import lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada. As of right now, it’s illegal to import any drugs from foreign countries. Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders also approves of importing prescription drugs from other countries as it would increase competition and lower prices.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ORDlaiikH4%5D

    As you might imagine, the pharmaceutical industry opposes this move as they feel it would undermine the safety of US patients. However, it’s not like Canada doesn’t have a world-class healthcare system. Not only that but the drugs that would be imported would be limited to only drugs that are currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The new proposal would also likely face challenges in the court as the pharmaceutical lobby does have deep pockets.

    While this new proposal would be welcome by many Americans struggling to pay for their medications, it unfortunately will not take place overnight. However, it is encouraging to see that in these trying political times that both sides of the aisle are willing to work toward a common cause that could actually benefit the American people.

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