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  • Geebo 10:23 am on March 2, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , LeadInvest, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,   

    Texas cryptocurrency scam creeps up on craigslist 

    Texas cryptocurrency scam creeps up on craigslist

    Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    For years it’s been debated whether or not cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are a worthwhile investment. Whether it’s due to the massive amount of power consumption needed to mine for cryptocurrency, its volatility in the current market, or its reputation for being the currency of choice in the trading of illegal goods on the internet, cryptocurrency has a less than stellar reputation among many investors. Now, the lure of easy money in the crypto market is being used to potentially scam investors out of their actual money.

    The Texas State Securities Board recently ordered a cease and desist order against a company called LeadInvest who claim to develop trading software for cryptocurrency. The reason for the C&D is because the company is allegedly misrepresenting itself by falsely claiming a number of famous people are on its management team like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, among others.

    One of the reasons the state of Texas became involved was because LeadInvest was said to have flooded craigslist with ads for their services targeting residents of the Lone Star State. If you see a cryptocurrency ad on a less than reliable website like craigslist, think of it like those ads on daytime TV trying to sell you physical coins as an investment option. They’re usually not telling you something that’s in the fine print that shows you how worthless the investment really is. Even under normal circumstances, cryptocurrencies are a highly risky venture. If you decide to risk money on such an investment, always be aware of the inherent risks involved and never invest money you can’t afford to lose.

  • Geebo 9:35 am on March 1, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Barack Obama,   

    Obama: Facebook causes different realities for Americans 

    Obama: Facebook causes different realities for Americans

    Late last week, former President Barack Obama gave a speech at MIT’s Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. During that speech President Obama called on companies like Google and Facebook to recognize that they’re more than just companies but are also platforms that could be used for the public good. Instead, they’ve divided us as a country and have created different realities for Americans.

    President Obama goes on to say that it’s not differing opinions that are causing the problem but that facts are being misrepresented. He adds that with the distortion of the actual facts, it makes it “difficult to figure out how democracy works over the long term.” The problem is that companies like Facebook really aren’t in the public’s interest since they’re more concerned about their bottom line rather than furthering any cause for democracy.

    You see, Facebook is what’s known as a walled garden. They want you to remain on Facebook as long as possible without venturing to the outside internet, If anything, Facebook probably wants you to continue to surround yourself in your own confirmation biases so you’ll remain on their platform longer and longer. Whether or not any of those biases are correct in their assumptions is immaterial to Facebook as long as you stay within the confines of their social network and keep clicking those ads. After all, the ads are tailored for your experience.

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