Elderly victim threatened in landscaping scam

By Greg Collier

A 79-year-old Navy veteran from the San Diego area recently fell victim to a landscaping scam that cost him $15,000. This unsettling incident serves as a warning to the community about the dangers of door-to-door offers, especially targeting seniors.

The man was approached last month by a group of landscapers offering to make some improvements for what seemed like a good price. He explained that he felt coerced into paying the scammers after they intimidated him.

The crew, led by a man who claimed they were working in the neighborhood, offered to mulch the man’s lawn for $10 a bag. Estimating the job would require about 40 bags, he agreed to the service. However, shortly after, three additional trucks arrived, and the crew began unloading a massive amount of mulch. The man was instructed to stay inside to avoid being “in the way.”

To his shock, just one hour later, he received an invoice for $19,000, allegedly for 1,900 bags of mulch. When he questioned the invoice, the scammers became increasingly aggressive. Fearing for his and his wife’s safety, he negotiated the amount down to $15,000 and was instructed to write two checks to different people for $7,500 each.

Despite the financial loss, the man is speaking out to prevent others from falling victim. A spokesperson from the District Attorney’s office expressed concern about the scam, noting that it involved local suspects potentially targeting seniors. The spokesperson urged anyone who feels they have been the victim of any elder abuse to report it to local law enforcement.

By following these steps, you can help protect yourself from landscaping scams and ensure that you receive legitimate and fair services. Avoid making immediate decisions when approached by door-to-door salespeople offering services. Politely decline and take the time to research the company before agreeing to any work.

If asked to go inside or away from the work area, be cautious and periodically check the progress. If you feel pressured or suspect fraud, don’t hesitate to contact local law enforcement immediately.

While it might be tempting to accept offers from door-to-door service providers, it’s crucial to exercise caution and due diligence. Unsolicited services often come with high risks of fraud and exploitation, especially targeting vulnerable individuals. Protect yourself by researching and verifying businesses, and always consult trusted sources before making decisions. Remember, safeguarding your home and finances starts with being informed and suspicious against unsolicited offers.