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  • Geebo 10:08 am on June 8, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , jacksonville, , , truck   

    Dad sells son’s truck online for smoking weed 

    Dad sells sons truck online for smoking weed

    Possibly inspired by the Minnesota mom who sold her daughter’s truck for skipping class, a Florida father recently sold his son’s truck online. A Jacksonville, Florida, man recently sold his son’s Ford Explorer online because of the 16-year-old’s penchant for smoking weed and ‘acting all thug’ in the father’s words. To add a little insult to injury the father offered to take $250 off the price if the buyer lived in the same neighborhood so his son could ‘see it every now and then and be reminded of how good he had it’.

    The father continues…

    “Now he can put those Jordans to use walk his a** off on these hot summer days!” his father wrote in the post.

    The sale of the truck seems to be working as the father has said that his son has approached him about turning over a new leaf.

    How do you feel about the viral ad? Is online embarrassment of an unruly teen really the way to go for parents? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.

  • Geebo 11:53 am on April 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Dodge, flagged ads, , truck   

    ‘Mean mom’ sells daughter’s car online. Find out why. 


    A Minnesota woman calling herself ‘The World’s Meanest Mom’ recently sold her 15-year-old daughter’s truck online because she skipped class. Amy Adams of Almelund, Minnesota, put the 1998 Dodge Ram pick up truck for sale saying in the ad that her daughter has “decided that her grades don’t matter, that she can disrespect myself and her siblings on a daily basis, and that she has the right to skip school and run away from home.”

    However Ms. Adams’ daughter has not been without recourse. Exploiting a weakness in the website where the ad was placed, her daughter’s friends have been flagging the ad and have had it removed multiple times even though the ad is legitimate.

    With Geebo.com you don’t have to worry about your ad being flagged by pranksters and the like since Geebo ads are manually reviewed and approved by real people. At Geebo we not only strive to be safer that the competition but to provide a better service to our customers.

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