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  • Geebo 9:11 am on April 17, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , military,   

    Fake Facebook profiles a problem for the military 

    Fake Facebook profiles a problem for the military

    One of the other issues discussed with Mark Zuckerberg by Congress was not just that of privacy, but that of identity theft. US Representative Adam Kinzinger from Illinois, mentioned to Zuckerberg that the Congressman had his own information stolen by scammers who had created fake profiles in order to extort money from victims. According to CBS Marketwatch, this is not a new problem on Facebook and often targets members of the military to steal their identity.

    Members of the military often have their profiles copied to make fake Facebook profiles by overseas scammers. The scammers then use the fake profiles to try to get someone romantically interested in the fake profile. This is hen usually followed up by some request for money from the victim. These scams have claimed anywhere from hundreds to millions of dollars from victims, and it’s believed the crime is underreported due to the number of victims who are too embarrassed to come forward.

    Facebook is usually not a big help when it comes to these fake profiles. When the military reports these profiles, Facebook will have them removed, but then they’ll just pop right back up soon after. As in the video shown above, the serviceman whose profile was copied again and again couldn’t get the fakes removed due to Facebook claiming that the fake profiles did not violate their ever-vague ‘community guidelines’.

    Now you may be savvy enough to not fall for such a scam, but think of all your friends on Facebook who may not be. If they’re suddenly head over heels for someone in the military they’ve met online, warn them that this may be a scam, especially if they ask for money. As a military spokesperson put it to CBS…

    Members of the military shouldn’t be asking for money, said Heusdens. “If they say they need help paying for a medical bill, the military pays for medical treatment for soldiers,” she said. Likewise, asking for help to buy food is a red flag.

    “We get fed very well,” she said.

  • Geebo 10:00 am on June 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , military, telescope   

    Find of the Week: Korean War Era Military Reflecting Telescope 

    Find of the Week: Korean War Era Military Reflecting Telescope

    In case you missed the post on any of our social networking accounts, yesterday we promoted an ad for a most intriguing item. A seller in Lompoc, California, posted an ad for a 12″ military reflecting telescope that is said to date back to the Korean War.

    According to the seller…

    This Telescope was originally used at the end of the Korean War and in all of the Vietnam War for spotting high-flying enemy aircraft and was phased out as computer controlled radar aiming was phased in. The telescope casing is 12″ diameter And roughly 15″ long.

    This collector’s item could not only be a great purchase for military collectors but also for history and science buffs as well.

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