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  • Geebo 10:31 am on December 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Buzzfeed, Definers, , George Soros   

    Buzzfeed releases Facebook document on critic George Soros 

    Buzzfeed releases Facebook document on critic George Soros

    George Soros

    For the past several weeks, Facebook has been facing a public backlash ever since the New York Times revealed Facebook’s alleged plans to try to discredit their critics. One of those tactics was to hire right-wing media firm Definers who have been accused of allegedly trying to run a smear campaign against progressive philanthropist George Soros. Definers was said to have been given the orders to investigate Soros by Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg. More recently, Buzzfeed News has obtained a document created by Definers for Facebook about George Soros’ alleged ties to activist groups that are critical of Facebook. The document can be read below.

    [scribd id=394784914 key=key-7rPa96RVM8xr7RFWYO4K mode=scroll]

    While Buzzfeed calls the document ‘largely innocuous’, not only does it make a giant leap in logic, but it also reads like a conspiracy theorists manifesto. The document from Definers basically concludes that since some groups that are critical of Facebook have received money from Geroge Soros then the group Freedom from Facebook must be receiving money from Soros too. Soros has been a very prominent critic of Facebook for some time now, however, the right has long held Soros up as some kind of villain who they claim is funding everything that is wrong with America.

    As TechCrunch points out, Freedom from Facebook says that they have received no money from Soros and instead its initial funding came from a Pennsylvania-based philanthropist and former hedge fund executive. It almost seems like Definers were given orders by Sheryl Sandberg to connect George Soros to Freedom From Facebook in any way possible and this is what they came up with. While the document from Definers may not be damning in itself, it does exhibit the questionable tactics Facebook will use in order to try to quash any public dissent.

  • Geebo 10:15 am on November 30, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , George Soros,   

    Facebook COO admits investigation into main critic 

    Facebook COO admits investigation into main critic

    Two weeks ago, the New York Times accused Facebook of allegedly using underhanded tactics in trying to silence their critics. The Times said that Facebook hired a right-wing media group to run a smear campaign against George Soros. At first, Facebook fired the media group known as Definers and tried to deny any investigation into Mr. Soros. Now the New York Times is back with another look into the matter claiming that Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was well aware of the investigation of the progressive philanthropist.

    Late yesterday, The Times published an article claiming that multiple sources within Facebook have told The Times that Sheryl Sandberg was not only aware of the investigation into George Soros but ordered it herself. Ms. Sandberg is said to have ordered the investigation into Mr. Soros’ finances after he called Facebook a ‘menace’ at a world economic forum. Ms. Sandberg allegedly wanted to know if Mr. Soros stood to gain financially from his criticism of Facebook and his calls to have Facebook regulated by the government. This supposedly led to the Definers group investigating anti-Facebook groups and accusing them and Mr. Soros of being anti-Semitic.

    The reason this is news is that previously Facebook has stated that Sheryl Sandberg had no knowledge of any of the activity that The Times accused her of. Facebook even went as far as to lay the blame squarely at the feet of outgoing executive Elliot J. Schrage. Facebook’s ever-changing narrative of the situation seems to be indicative of some kind of cover-up at the company. Along with the internal documents set to be released soon by the British Parliament, Facebook could be looking at its own Watergate moment within the coming days.

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