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  • Geebo 8:59 am on September 25, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: deliv, , ,   

    Walmart not only takes on the last mile, but also the last few feet 

    Walmart not only takes on the last mile, but also the last few feet

    As we’ve mentioned on this blog many times before, in the battle between retail giants Amazon and WalMart, both companies are trying to solve the problem of the ‘last mile’. The last mile of delivery is said to be the most expensive part of home delivery. Now, WalMart has announced an endeavor where they intend to not only conquer the last mile, but the last few feet to the fridge as well.

    WalMart has partnered with a smart home company to allow delivery drivers to be able to drop off packages inside your home and will put perishables away in your refrigerator. The program will first test in certain markets and will be available to people who own August smart home devices. Delivery people will be given a one time code to be able to enter your home and place your packages inside rather than leaving the items on your doorstep.

    In theory, this is a great idea, however, in practice it has its flaws. Deliveries will be done by start-up Deliv. Deliv drivers are part of the gig economy meaning they’re basically Uber drivers for deliveries. With all due respect to both Uber and Deliv drivers, we’ve all read and heard stories about some less than reputable drivers that work for some rideshare start-ups. Even smart homes equipped with security cameras are vulnerable to potential abuses even if someone is let inside for one time only. I just don’t see consumers allowing people into their homes while they’re away just to have their milk put in the fridge by a stranger.

  • Geebo 9:10 am on August 8, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: deliv, Office Depot, , same-day delivery   

    Office supply giant now testing same-day delivery 

    Office supply giant now testing same-day delivery

    With the return of back to school season, a number of us start shopping for school supplies for either ourselves or are kids. While the office supply market used to have a number of options, in recent years it’s come down to a choice between two retailers. Now, one of those retailers is seeking to gain an upper hand by offering same-day delivery in some markets.

    Office Depot has announced they are partnering with start-up Deliv in order to make same-day deliveries in the markets of Atlanta, Miami and Los Angeles. If you’ve never heard of Deliv, you can view their introductory video here. In essence, they are an Uber for packages. This is not unlike a similar plan Wal-Mart is considering except using their own employees to make the deliveries.

    This, of course, is an attempt to compete with Amazon and their Prime delivery service. However, is this a matter of too little too late and is it smart to partner with an unproven start-up with a business model that relies on the gig economy? The plan appears to be gimmicky at best and shaky at worst.

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