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  • Greg Collier 9:50 am on April 19, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Tip #3: Create a Stand-Out Resume 

    In today’s job market, you need every advantage you can get – and your resume is an important part of that equation. In most cases, this is your first opportunity to make a good impression on prospective employers so, in order to get an interview, you really need a resume that will stand out from the pool of applicants applying for the same positions.

    Here’s my advice for creating stand-out resumes:

    1.  Customize your resume and cover letter to each job advertisement you respond to. Emphasize the skills and past accomplishments that best match the skills and experience asked for in the job description: devote more space in your resume to these areas, and spell them out in greater detail.

    2.  Make sure your resume is both well written and visually appealing. If writing is not your strong suit, consider hiring a professional to help. For design assistance, Microsoft provides several resume templates built in to Word, and there are more on the Microsoft.com web site. In addition, RockportInstitute.com offers a great set of web pages on writing a masterpiece of a resume.

    3.  Consider posting your resume online. There are several ways to do this. You can use a site like VisualCV.com, share your resume via Google docs, or add it to your blog. You don’t have a blog? Blogger.com and WordPress.org provide free, easy systems for creating a new blog in minutes.

    4.  If you work in technology or new media, a video resume may be a great alternative for you. For examples, check out the many video resumes posted on YouTube.

    5.  If you work in a field that values creativity, consider creating a resume that shows off your skills in innovation. One jobseeker, Ed Hamilton, achieved near-celebrity status for creating his resume in Google Maps. And animator Shea Richardson posted an animated YouTube video to serve as his cover letter.

    I hope these ideas are helpful to you in creating your own stand-out resume. And I wish you all the best in finding that next great job!

  • Greg Collier 11:54 am on April 18, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Get Inside My Head 

    Ever wondered how Geebo became socially responsible, culturally relevant, and developed the ability to facilitate you and your business? As Geebo’s man behind the mission, I provide these answers and more in an exclusive interview with Robert Scoble.

    Back in March 2010 I had the opportunity to sit-down with Robert at his home in Half Moon Bay, CA, to discuss why Geebo is different than Craigslist. This interview took some serious guts from Scoble, being as he is from “the valley,” and good friends with Craigslist founder, Craig Newmark. I credit Robert for taking the time to get both sides of the story.

    While the differences between Geebo and Craigslist are vast any many, I specifically discuss Geebo’s personal dedication to protecting, managing, and accommodating the diverse needs of our users with Scoble.

    As the main attraction in the Scobleizer Channel’s “tech geek interview with business innovators”, I detail Geebo’s path, progression, and power as both a community connector and a classified site. During my interview with Scoble, I also covered the early days of the internet boom and the more recent developments regarding social networking, internet safety, and more.

    Come get to know me by checking out my exclusive interview with Robert Scoble on the Scobleizer Channel.

  • Greg Collier 5:03 pm on April 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Follow Us on Facebook 

    Everybody tells you to follow them on Facebook. We want you to interact with us on our brand new Facebook page! Whether you’re job hunting or bargain hunting, we will be posting everything Geebo has to offer on our Facebook page as well. So become a Facebook fan of Geebo right now by clicking on the Facebook icon and make sure to tell your friends too.
  • Greg Collier 12:24 pm on April 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Tip #2: Improving Your Odds 

    If you are wondering how position yourself more effectively in today’s competitive job market, you are not alone. As I travel around the country, I get more questions on this subject than any other. The good news is that there are a few strategic practices that will put you ahead of the pack, and help you find that next great job. Here they are:

    Set Goals
    Set daily goals and stick to them. Researchers at the University of Missouri studied 327 job seekers, ages 20 to 40 and found that starting a job search with plan (such as sending out three resumes per day, networking with three people each day, making five phone calls each day, etc.) led to greater success.

    Narrow Your Search
    It may be counterintuitive, but think about it: in the end, you only need one job. Most job hunters try to send out as many resumes as they can. This is a big mistake. Instead, spend more time on pursuing those few job openings represent a great fit with your skills, interests, and experience.

    Google Yourself
    Pay attention to your Google “resume.” Do you know what shows up when someone types in your name and city, or your name and job title or former employer? Research commissioned by Microsoft found that while only 7% of jobseekers thought that information about them online hurt them, 79% of hiring managers actually looked up online information on job applicants. Most said that what they found affected their decisions and 70% said they had actually rejected candidates because of what they found.
    Quick tip: You can save time in keeping track of your Google resume by setting up a Google Alert. Every time a new source includes your name, Google will send you and email with a link. To set up Google Alerts, go to http://www.google.com/alerts.

    Stay Positive
    A Georgia Institute of Technology study found that certain behaviors increase the chances of finding a job, even during economic hard times. This study found that people worked harder at their search and had more success if they were: 1. Optimistic (even to the point of being able to view their job loss as an opportunity to improve their position); 2. Confident in their job search skills; 3. Extroverted; and 4. Organized. They also found that people who changed their daily routine – adding more exercise or church activities, for example – were more successful in finding new jobs.

    I hope that these strategies will be as helpful to you as they have been for other jobseekers – and I wish you all the best in finding that next great job!

  • Greg Collier 9:49 am on April 3, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Tip #1: Looking for a Job – In All the Right Places 


    The Internet is obviously the best place to look for job advertisements. But which sites are the best to use? Most people, if asked, will come up with the same three or four names. And that’s a problem. Because if you’re looking where everyone else is looking, you’re really just ensuring that you have a lot of competition.

    The solution is to expand your reach. Find sites that advertise jobs you don’t see on all the other sites. So, for example, if you are 18 to 35 years old, and looking for an entry to mid-level position, you should know about Geebo.com because we have carved out a particularly large niche for those jobs.

    Another tip: Look beyond the job advertisement. Use the Internet to gather important background information on the company you want to work for. What’s this organization’s mission? What’s new there? Where are they headed?

    Next, network on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. with people who work at this company, and ask them specific questions related to the job you’re applying for.

    Once you’ve got plenty of information on the job opening, the organization, and the people who work there, you’ll be prepared to craft a resume and cover letter that will stand out from the pack. And when it’s time for the interview, you’ll be very well prepared to talk about how your skills match their needs.

    One last tip: While well worth the effort, I realize that all of this research, resume-writing and networking is time consuming. To keep from being overwhelmed, I recommend that you set reasonable daily goals. And at the end of each day, keep yourself motivated and encouraged by jotting down your accomplishments. In today’s job market, finding a great job is hard work. But take heart. That hard work will pay off.

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